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75 total results found

Week 20: Invention, Intellectual Property, Income

global class

Week 2: Computer-Aided Design

Class Computer aided design blender FabAcademy Blender Tutorial: Precision Size, Scale and measurement Mastering Precision Modelling in Blender - A Beginner friendly Guide chat_06


Relevant For All Weeks

These are the icons we want to set as cover images for each week. they still need to be downloaded and prepared. Note that attribution is required. For that you can create a separate page "Attribution" in every week containing the attribution text. bootcamp pr...

regional meeting

Week 5: 3D Scanning & Printing

Mkhitar Evoyan good trick to connect esp32 without soldering ❗Note. After uploading the code I’ll need to reset the board to start the code execution by pressing b button on device. This will put the board into the programming mode. Once the upload is complet...

prep meeting

Week 5: 3D Scanning & Printing

Computer controlled machining has to be on a machine where the sorter side is at least 1m! This month we will be introduced to our global evaluator.

global class

Week 5: 3D Scanning & Printing

Albert hat eine Nachricht an Neils randomizer geschickt :-) Yuya Tokuyama pico w My Final Project: Golgo 13 Machine a DIY drone with SAR, rather advanced Jenna Chebaro Windows subsystem for Linux (windows wsl) pro...

Lecture Chat

Week 5: 3D Scanning & Printing

15:05:04 From Patrick - waag To Everyone: Replying to "Message sent before you joined the meeting": for me it says that the video is no longer available. Might be firewall issue 15:05:06 From Marius Araújo To Everyone: Replying to "Message sent before you join...

local lecture

Week 5: 3D Scanning & Printing

examples for printing processes manual gcode generation

3D Printing Design Rules

Week 5: 3D Scanning & Printing

global open time

Week 5: 3D Scanning & Printing

16:31:22 Von Angel Fang an Alle: Qlone works as well Rico Kanthatham:👍 16:31:29 Von Adrian - Fab Lab León an Alle: Replying to "Qlone works as well": Yes 16:31:42 Von Noel Saji an Alle: Has anyone used a 3D scanning app for Android phones? 16:32:13 Von Evert S...

recitation AI

Week 5: 3D Scanning & Printing Crail Lyu slides Embedded AI/ML Crail Lyu cutting AI down to size Advanced AI for Fabacademy SenseCraft Valdemar Danry slides: Design Olivia Seow text t...

recitation chat

Week 5: 3D Scanning & Printing

15:02:33 Von Crail Lyu an Alle: 15:09:00 Von jakob an Alle: What does "Processing" refer to in the previous slide in the edge AI block? 15:10:35 Von henk an Alle: can somebody repost the url crail put in...

regional review

Week 6: Electronics Design

Sam Irja Dylan Heneck Patrick Dezséri Jakob Bene Mkhitar Evoyan Forrest Oliphant Derenik Danielyan Look mom, I am in FreeCad)))) Arda Chat: 13:18:39 Von jakob an Alle: how do you uplo...

prep meeting

Week 6: Electronics Design

I noticed the 0603 resistors and capacitors that were added to fab inventory. Are we moving towards smaller footprints or they were added for a specific design? Neil switches from his own tool to KiCAD!!!!! https://quantummini...

global class homework

Week 6: Electronics Design

Sierra Nieves Final Project: Functional Fashion (Heart Rate Monitor) Albert Smith Final Project: shuffling cards Midhun Joseph Ly...

global class

Week 6: Electronics Design

package 1206 --> 0.12x0.06 inch = 3.048x1.524mm FabXIAO TLA = Three Letter Acronym 5 mil/thou = 0.005 inch = 0.127 mm

global class chat

Week 6: Electronics Design

14:34:03 Von Krisjanis Rijnieks an Alle: I noticed the 0603 resistors and capacitors that were added to fab inventory. Are we moving towards smaller footprints or they were added for a specific design? Miriam, Adrián - Fab Lab León:👍 14:36:56 Von Rico Kanthath...

local class

Week 6: Electronics Design

Building circuits the hard way. An introduction to freeform electronics Introduction and KiCad Project Creation - "Getting To Blinky" KiCad Tutorial - Part 1 Talking Reverse Engineering with an Absolute Legend! libraries [Fab Electronics Library for KiCad](...


Week 5: 3D Scanning & Printing

Notes from Jakob (may need refinement) copper sulphate solution a (copper sulphate) solution b solution c: caustic soda and formaldehyde heating plate medium to be electroplated monodistilled (once distilled) water fill with water heating plate under...


Relevant For All Weeks

How to configure Carvera for Fusion on Windows: How to install ffmpeg on Windows:

global open time

Week 6: Electronics Design

use kicad 8, 9 still has some problems have 2 leds: power & debugging debugging: run a blink program and make sure your mcu is still alive. how to use the pin with the led? just solder pin header before or after the led. 2 layers put pin through the board -> ...