global class chat
14:34:03 Von Krisjanis Rijnieks an Alle: I noticed the 0603 resistors and capacitors that were added to fab inventory. Are we moving towards smaller footprints or they were added for a specific design? Miriam, Adrián - Fab Lab León:👍
14:36:56 Von Rico Kanthatham an Alle: Thanks Kris!!! Adrián - Fab Lab León:💕
14:37:31 Von Árni - Fab Lab Akureyri an Alle: A living saint
14:38:19 Von Pablo Fab Lab Leon an Alle: 🙌
14:40:01 Von Rico Kanthatham an Alle: kamakura has met their global eval
14:40:05 Von Pradnya S an Alle: Yes
14:40:17 Von Rico Kanthatham an Alle: good
14:40:21 Von Saverio Shanghai an Alle: Set up a time already
14:40:22 Von Nuria Robles | LEON an Alle: Good idea !
14:40:26 Von Árni - Fab Lab Akureyri an Alle: For us: No issues, just a slow and difficult start for various reasons. Ball has started rolling, will request a global eval soon
14:40:29 Von Jani Ylioja an Alle: not working yet
14:40:30 Von Steven an Alle: Local-Global is ok for us Noor Ahmed Raza Pirwani:🥰
14:40:37 Von Pablo Fab Lab Leon an Alle: Yes, meetings are happening. Nice to meet students and instructors faces :) Adrián - Fab Lab León, Amany, SAHEEN PALAYI:🥰
14:40:50 Von Miriam an Alle: I think it is working great. Very helpful.
14:41:04 Von Pradnya S an Alle: Interactive so helpful
14:41:08 Von SAHEEN PALAYI an Alle: Replying to "Yes, meetings are happening. Nice to meet students...": Waiting for next 🙌
14:41:34 Von Hiroe_Wast-harima an Alle: West Harima had Global- Local meeting. Adrián - Fab Lab León:💕
14:41:37 Von Noor Ahmed Raza Pirwani an Alle: Replying to "Local-Global is ok for us": Share the link, if you are Steven from Singapore. 🤩
14:41:54 Von Claire Lake Mac Libraries Fab Lab an Alle: Won't let me push the button and one is complete for my student
14:41:58 Von Adrián - Fab Lab León an Alle: Replying to "West Harima had Global- Local meeting.": Yes, and was very helpful
14:42:11 Von Lars Mattern - HRW Fablab an Alle: No local-global meeting in bottrop, yet
14:42:32 Von Salman an Alle: Check list
14:42:33 Von Nuria Robles | LEON an Alle: Replying to "Won't let me push the button and one is complete f...": 100% and Green button?
14:43:01 Von Noha | Fab Lab Egypt an Alle: Replying to "Won't let me push the button and one is complete f...": Did you mark it as completed ? not just 100%
14:43:22 Von andri-fab lab reykjavik an Alle: Replying to "Won't let me push the button and one is complete f...": it is not enough be at 100%. You need to Mark Unit as Complete
14:44:22 Von Pablo Fab Lab Leon an Alle: NIce AI applications! I love the second part. Norella Coronell, Miriam, Adrián - Fab Lab León:😍
14:45:04 Von Claire Lake Mac Libraries Fab Lab an Alle: Fixed it realised I hadn't clicked the green complete button, this is what happens when it's been more than six months since doing it last 😅 Luciana Asinari, Pablo Fab Lab Leon, Adrián - Fab Lab León:🏆 Nuria Robles | LEON:💟
14:47:26 Von SAHEEN PALAYI an Alle: We need to teach the students the design rules right? But that comes with production week group assignment.
14:48:24 Von Saheen Palayi an Alle: ok
14:49:17 Von Jani Ylioja an Alle: input week has very similar group work to electronics design
14:50:51 Von Saheen Palayi an Alle: Replying to "input week has very similar group work to electron...": I think this week the introductions of the test equipment right? input week is looking deep in to DSO
14:51:06 Von Miriam an Alle: So for the group project this week, they should be using the testing equipment on any dev board?
14:52:12 Von Noor Ahmed Raza Pirwani an Alle: yes it make sense
14:52:13 Von Krisjanis Rijnieks an Alle: I would split the equipment in several weeks Oscar Diaz, andri-fab lab reykjavik:👍
14:52:23 Von Krisjanis Rijnieks an Alle: as oscilloscope alone is a lot Luc Hanneuse - AgriLab, andri-fab lab reykjavik:👍
14:52:29 Von Saheen Palayi an Alle: can we switch the group assignment : ) so we get the Design rules
14:52:29 Von Krisjanis Rijnieks an Alle: and logic analyzer is a lot
14:53:15 Von Claire Lake Mac Libraries Fab Lab an Alle: You can design without design rules and then correct after you do the testing
14:53:36 Von Salman an Alle: Or just get to know tools this week
14:53:47 Von Saheen Palayi an Alle: Replying to "You can design without design rules and then corre...": may need to reroute sometimes
15:07:00 Von Patrick an Alle: There is also the paint-on support in prusa to make specific supports placement
15:07:38 Von Ahmed Al-Kooheji an Alle: the top can be a 2nd part that press fits also
15:08:02 Von Evert Stefán Jensson an Alle: Replying to "There is also the paint-on support in prusa to mak...": also in Bambustudio
15:08:07 Von Patrick an Alle: Cute 🐹 Adrián - Fab Lab León:❤️
15:08:24 Von Ahmed Al-Kooheji an Alle: nice idea!
15:08:39 Von Ahmed Al-Kooheji an Alle: haha the bridge is def too long
15:08:57 Von Saheen Palayi an Alle: Replying to "the top can be a 2nd part that press fits also": that violate the assignment question of the week I think
15:08:58 Von Ahmed Al-Kooheji an Alle: 2nd plate to print the top with press fit
15:09:56 Von Steven an Alle: Tilt the model 45% on its edge & you should be able to print without support?
15:10:17 Von Shintaro Ito:Node japan kannai an Alle: Thus the hamster became a prisoner..... Patrick, Ricardo Marques:🐹 Patrick, Pablo Fab Lab Leon, Adrián - Fab Lab León, Sanjivani Fab Lab || αkαѕh mhαíѕ:😅
15:11:05 Von Ricardo Marques an Alle: Replying to "Tilt the model 45% on its edge & you should be abl...": may need minor supports and a brim to hold it in place.
15:11:48 Von Claire Lake Mac Libraries Fab Lab an Alle: Replying to "Thus the hamster became a prisoner.....": Next project - put it in a prison hamster wheel 🙃
15:13:24 Von Shintaro Ito:Node japan kannai an Alle: Replying to "Thus the hamster became a prisoner.....": She needs a larger 3D printer or a 3D printer small enough to fit in the Prison! Claire Lake Mac Libraries Fab Lab:😆
15:13:33 Von Steven an Alle: Replying to "Tilt the model 45% on its edge & you should be abl...": Use a larger brim or raft, change the base of the cage so that there is a flat edge with larger contact area on the bed.
15:13:36 Von Ahmed Al-Kooheji an Alle: Replying to "the top can be a 2nd part that press fits also": hmmm i see
15:15:15 Von Neil an Alle:
15:15:40 Von andri-fab lab reykjavik an Alle: Go Albert!
15:15:46 Von Árni - Fab Lab Akureyri an Alle: Go go go!
15:19:40 Von Justyn an Alle: I used Abound app and an iphone se (2022) & used a stool that I manually turned...shot 64 frames and had great's on my page
15:20:46 Von Shintaro Ito:Node japan kannai an Alle: coool
15:20:52 Von Maximino Matus an Alle: I was trying to scan myself but it did not really work for printing 😞
15:21:48 Von Maximino Matus an Alle: Max3D.jpg Árni - Fab Lab Akureyri, Rico Kanthatham, Lars Mattern - HRW Fablab:👍
15:22:32 Von Pablo Fab Lab Leon an Alle: Replying to "Max3D.jpg": hope you learn to remove glasess to scan yourself XD
15:22:40 Von Rico Kanthatham an Alle: tree supports
15:23:26 Von Maximino Matus an Alle: Replying to "Max3D.jpg": 🤓😅
15:23:28 Von Shintaro Ito:Node japan kannai an Alle: Replying to "Max3D.jpg": @Maximino Matus With fusion360, I was able to load a mesh of a person's 3D scan data and repair and reduce the volume with one click. Maybe this will be useful for you.
15:23:37 Von Adrián - Fab Lab León an Alle: Replying to "tree supports": you can Paint the supports and select organic
15:23:42 Von Ahmed Al-Kooheji an Alle: there is something called PLA interface, if you have a bambu with an AMS, it will use it where the support ends and the model starts to more easily pop out. Mixed results though. I never used the roll i have personally.
15:23:55 Von Lynch Li an Alle: Hi Neil, last week I was called on, but I wasn't there at the time. I only did the 3D printing and scanning assignment. Can I just present last week's assignment?
15:24:44 Von Ahmed Al-Kooheji an Alle: there is something called PLA interface, if you have a bambu with an AMS, it will use it where the support ends and the model starts to more easily pop out. Mixed results though. I never used the roll i have personally.
15:25:22 Von Rico Kanthatham an Alle: How about place the cube on one all angles will be 45degrees or more...limit supports to the outside and bottom?
15:25:34 Von Ahmed Al-Kooheji an Alle: there is something called PLA interface, if you have a bambu with an AMS, it will use it where the support ends and the model starts to more easily pop out. Mixed results though. I never used the roll i have personally.
15:25:40 Von Ahmed Al-Kooheji an Alle: Screenshot 2025-02-26 172518.png Shintaro Ito:Node japan kannai, Ahmed Al-Kooheji:👀
15:27:26 Von Midhun an Alle: Adrián - Fab Lab León, Lars Mattern - HRW Fablab, Superfablab Kochi, Saheen Palayi:❤️
15:27:49 Von Midhun an Alle: similar kind of project
15:28:02 Von Shintaro Ito:Node japan kannai an Alle: Perfect shuffling is as hard as perfect random number generation……
15:28:22 Von Maximino Matus an Alle: Replying to "Max3D.jpg": 👍Gracias! Shintaro Ito:Node japan kannai:👍
15:28:56 Von Forrest O. an Alle: 52 card pickup! A favorite family game. Ricardo Marques, Lars Mattern - HRW Fablab, Daniel Mateos:😆
15:29:52 Von Shintaro Ito:Node japan kannai an Alle: Flying Cards
15:31:33 Von Florimond Chu (FabLab SP) an Alle: Card shuffling machine.
15:33:49 Von Elsa Cui an Alle:
15:34:31 Von FabLab TU Ilmenau an Alle: the picture of your ender is 88MB! Ricardo Marques, Garrett Nelson, Patrick, Shintaro Ito:Node japan kannai:👀 Nuria Robles | LEON:😲 Adrián - Fab Lab León, Doaa El-Bess, Eman Elkfrawy, Jeremy Losaw, Hiroe Takeda:🤯
15:35:12 Von Pablo Fab Lab Leon an Alle: its a big Ender... Doaa El-Bess, Adrián - Fab Lab León, Amr Yaser Abdulrahiem, Jani Ylioja, Kerstin, Jesal Mehta:😂 Ricardo Marques, Patrick, Adrián - Fab Lab León, 35844, Anna Sophia Brokuf, Elen Grigoryan:😆
15:37:15 Von Neil an Alle: .png: 89M
15:37:26 Von Neil an Alle: .jpg: 192k
15:37:49 Von Omar Baalbaki(SK 7) an Alle: how did she managed to push it though ?
15:37:49 Von Benedikt Ilmenau an Alle: The question that everyone have in mind is, how did you upload this big file to your website? I thought that we have a 10 mb limit per push.
15:37:58 Von Adrián - Fab Lab León an Alle: Replying to "how did she managed to push it though ?": web interface Omar Baalbaki(SK 7), Patrick:😯
15:38:10 Von Omar Baalbaki(SK 7) an Alle: Replying to "how did she managed to push it though ?": ahaaaa
15:38:17 Von Saheen Palayi an Alle: Replying to "The question that everyone have in mind is, how di...": Gitlab . add files
15:38:43 Von Saverio Shanghai an Alle: Lynch says her wifi is a bit slow and can't hear greatly
15:38:42 Von Benedikt Ilmenau an Alle: Replying to "how did she managed to push it though ?": Would it be ok, if we upload bigger design files in this way?
15:39:49 Von Neil an Alle: otherlab inflatable arm
15:39:57 Von Pablo Fab Lab Leon an Alle: Replying to "how did she managed to push it though ?": talk to your instructor :)
15:40:06 Von Patrick an Alle: memo we have the repo size page (but I do not know the update cycles)
15:40:28 Von Saverio Shanghai an Alle: will do 👍
15:41:08 Von Saheen Palayi an Alle: Replying to "how did she managed to push it though ?": @Benedikt Ilmenau try zip it. make it under 10 Mb , if still larger than that try publishing in sketch fab, or GitHub then link in ur documentation
15:43:05 Von Adrián - Fab Lab León an Alle: Trainnn!!! Miriam, Marius Araújo, Omar Baalbaki(SK 7), Hiroe Takeda, Claire Lake Mac Libraries Fab Lab, Kerstin, Daniel Osika, Jani Ylioja, Lars Mattern - HRW Fablab:😂
15:47:42 Von Amr Yaser Abdulrahiem an Alle: snug supports have more stability and also covers only the wanted area ^^. I experienced that week
15:47:50 Von Patrick an Alle: The prusa Slicer Page is really good
15:47:58 Von Patrick an Alle: Replying to "The prusa Slicer Page is really good": 30cd916294dd7ac737ac7c09e1edfbb9.jpg Adrián - Fab Lab León, Marius Araújo:❤️
15:48:03 Von Patrick an Alle: Replying to "The prusa Slicer Page is really good":
15:48:44 Von Ricardo Marques an Alle: Replying to "snug supports have more stability and also covers ...": And they print quicker than the default ones. testing out the support advanced settings is well worth it.
15:49:22 Von Patrick an Alle: Replying to "The prusa Slicer Page is really good": PS: The tree like thing in the picture is the support not the model
15:49:45 Von Marius Araújo an Alle: Replying to "The prusa Slicer Page is really good": Incredible, really
15:49:45 Von Ricardo Marques an Alle: I may need a full-scale one to use as na alarm clock
15:51:00 Von Marius Araújo an Alle: Replying to "I may need a full-scale one to use as na alarm clo...": There should be a battering ram train carriage in Czech maker train Florimond Chu (FabLab SP):👍 Adrián - Fab Lab León, Ricardo Marques:😅
15:51:14 Von Saverio Shanghai an Alle: Tomas Feminier's final project in Woma in 2016 was a Wall Clock made of wood with retroillumination
15:51:15 Von Saverio Shanghai an Alle:
15:51:57 Von Jani Ylioja an Alle:
15:52:20 Von Adrián - Fab Lab León an Alle: Time the time
15:54:10 Von Pablo Fab Lab Leon an Alle: On week 5...and i cant earn enough money to but all your projects XD Lars Mattern - HRW Fablab:😂 Marius Araújo, Adrián - Fab Lab León, Patrick:😅
15:54:46 Von Justyn an Alle: image.png
15:55:29 Von Justyn an Alle: image.png
15:55:26 Von Saverio Shanghai an Alle: you have the Make Something Big assignmet covered already 😄
15:55:46 Von Marius Araújo an Alle: Replying to "On week 5...and i cant earn enough money to but al...": You have to re-make them all 😜 Daniel Osika:😂
15:55:51 Von Justyn an Alle: is that a good example of not easily subtractive model
15:57:10 Von Ahmed Al-Kooheji an Alle: wet filament maybe
15:57:33 Von Saheen Palayi an Alle: Replying to "is that a good example of not easily subtractive m...": yea the egg inside owl ? this satisfy the assignment.
15:57:37 Von Ahmed Al-Kooheji an Alle: or over extrusion from nossle due to bad settings maybe
15:57:38 Von Omar Baalbaki(SK 7) an Alle: hygroscopic
15:59:02 Von Marius Araújo an Alle: On bowden machines, it can happen more, also due to not enough retraction. It can be tweaked Pablo Fab Lab Leon, Adrián - Fab Lab León:👆
16:00:42 Von Julian Baßler an Alle: Gonna show some more chainmail in the open time, get ready ;) Jesal Mehta, Adrián - Fab Lab León, Lars Mattern - HRW Fablab, Pablo Fab Lab Leon, Kerstin, Sharvari | RIIDL:😍
16:04:15 Von Claire Lake Mac Libraries Fab Lab an Alle: You could add birdNet to identify which birds are using your feeder Árni - Fab Lab Akureyri, Patrick:🐦 Ricardo Marques:👀
16:05:49 Von Svavar Konradsson Fab Lab Isafjordur an Alle: Go Anna!
16:06:08 Von Árni - Fab Lab Akureyri an Alle: You got it Anna!
16:06:15 Von Adrián - Fab Lab León an Alle: Cool sticker!!
16:06:21 Von Pablo Fab Lab Leon an Alle: Tucan with a lighsaber...what could go wrong... Patrick, Claire Lake Mac Libraries Fab Lab:😅
16:06:27 Von Rico Kanthatham an Alle: lightsaber choreography?? run a workshop at FAB25!! Enterprise fablab, Daniel Mateos:👍 Claire Lake Mac Libraries Fab Lab, Patrick, Anna Sophia Brokuf, Daniel Mateos:👏 Adrián - Fab Lab León, Ted:😅
16:06:55 Von Miriam an Alle: Replying to "lightsaber choreography?? run a workshop at FAB25!...": Along with the dude that does the light saber workshop
16:07:24 Von Claire Lake Mac Libraries Fab Lab an Alle: Replying to "lightsaber choreography?? run a workshop at FAB25!...": Yes!
16:07:38 Von Adrián - Fab Lab León an Alle: Amtrak ad hehe (always trains)😅 Árni - Fab Lab Akureyri:😂
16:07:57 Von Rico Kanthatham an Alle: Replying to "lightsaber choreography?? run a workshop at FAB25!...": Neil would make a great Jedi master! Patrick, Claire Lake Mac Libraries Fab Lab, Lars Mattern - HRW Fablab:😆
16:08:12 Von Neil an Alle:
16:08:14 Von Rico Kanthatham an Alle: Replying to "lightsaber choreography?? run a workshop at FAB25!...": Cmon Miriam...graphic please!
16:08:25 Von Saverio Shanghai an Alle: Amazing Rodrigo! Adrián - Fab Lab León, Rico Kanthatham, Nancy-shanghai, Ted, Shintaro Ito:Node japan kannai:💕
16:08:25 Von Miriam an Alle: Replying to "lightsaber choreography?? run a workshop at FAB25!...": Hahaha
16:08:36 Von Miriam an Alle: Replying to "lightsaber choreography?? run a workshop at FAB25!...": Of Neil as Jedi master? Adrián - Fab Lab León, Claire Lake Mac Libraries Fab Lab, Patrick, Lars Mattern - HRW Fablab:❤️
16:10:04 Von Patrick an Alle: Replying to "lightsaber choreography?? run a workshop at FAB25!...": Somehow I feel like he would look better as a sith lord 🤔 (design wise) Rico Kanthatham:😂
16:11:01 Von Pablo Fab Lab Leon an Alle: I love reykjavik...its where the good projects are XD Adrián - Fab Lab León, Claire Lake Mac Libraries Fab Lab, Svavar Konradsson Fab Lab Isafjordur:❤️ Rico Kanthatham, andri-fab lab reykjavik:👍
16:12:42 Von andri-fab lab reykjavik an Alle: Good job Anna!
16:12:55 Von Þórarinn Bjartur Breiðfjörð Gunnarsson an Alle: Good work Anna! andri-fab lab reykjavik:🎉
16:13:10 Von Jani Ylioja an Alle: Elsa Cui
16:13:10 Von Jarni Rai Castillo Yarlequé an Alle: I can¡
16:13:11 Von Nancy-shanghai an Alle: Elsa Cui was called last week
16:13:15 Von Rico Kanthatham an Alle: elsa cui...i think
16:13:33 Von Kerstin an Alle: Julian 🎉
16:16:19 Von Miriam an Alle: Replying to "lightsaber choreography?? run a workshop at FAB25!...": 202502270016150000.jpg Adrián - Fab Lab León, Rico Kanthatham, Pablo Fab Lab Leon, Tshering Wangzom JNWSFL bhutan, Lars Mattern - HRW Fablab, Ricardo Marques, Lei Feng - Chaihuo, Ted:❤️ Nuria Robles | LEON:💟 Marius Araújo, Camila Luna - FabLab Cuenca / ASQ:😆
16:16:19 Von Miriam an Alle: Replying to "lightsaber choreography?? run a workshop at FAB25!...": lol chat gpt
16:17:05 Von Daniel Osika an Alle: There will be soon a new multicolour 3d printer on kickstarter
16:17:07 Von Svavar Konradsson Fab Lab Isafjordur an Alle: Super nice spinning top! Bart -SP Fablab:👍
16:17:14 Von Devanshi Mengar | riidl an Alle: crazzyyy
16:17:18 Von Miriam an Alle: That is cool Florimond Chu (FabLab SP), Doaa El-Bess:👏
16:17:20 Von Jeremy Losaw an Alle: mega
16:17:22 Von Aristarco an Alle: Wild!
16:17:26 Von Rico Kanthatham an Alle: amazing Julian!
16:17:27 Von Pablo Fab Lab Leon an Alle: 😮
16:17:29 Von Árni - Fab Lab Akureyri an Alle: That's a product right there
16:17:33 Von Julia - Fab Lab Barcelona an Alle: Wow!!
16:17:49 Von Claire Lake Mac Libraries Fab Lab an Alle: So cool
16:17:50 Von Silvana Espinoza Gomez an Alle: 🤩
16:17:53 Von Árni - Fab Lab Akureyri an Alle: You can you can use that for marketing! "Best spinning top I've ever seen"
16:18:00 Von Naldi Carrion an Alle: It is really nice!!!
16:19:20 Von Charath Chandar Natarajan an Alle: Gayatri prasad:👍
16:19:24 Von Rico Kanthatham an Alle: Apple watch wearers...send Elsa a Thank You! Pradnya S, Nuria Robles | LEON, Adrián - Fab Lab León, Nancy-shanghai:❤️ Saverio Shanghai, Elen Grigoryan:🤣
16:19:23 Von Lars Mattern - HRW Fablab an Alle: Well done, Julian !!!
16:20:37 Von Nuria Robles | LEON an Alle: Replying to "Apple watch wearers...send Elsa a Thank You!": Thanks, @Elsa Cui !!
16:20:43 Von hongtai an Alle: COOL
16:22:45 Von Charath Chandar Natarajan an Alle:
16:22:53 Von Charath Chandar Natarajan an Alle: {69853CEC-18A7-4DA7-88DB-A9FD5D058B21}.png
16:23:18 Von Adrián - Fab Lab León an Alle: Batman!!! chana chana Batman!!! Pablo Fab Lab Leon:😄 Silvana Espinoza Gomez, Jesal Mehta:🤣 Lars Mattern - HRW Fablab:🦇
16:23:31 Von Rico Kanthatham an Alle: Love it Mihir! Pablo Fab Lab Leon, Claire Lake Mac Libraries Fab Lab:😄 Jesal Mehta, Adrián - Fab Lab León, Jeremy Losaw:😍
16:24:02 Von Nancy-shanghai an Alle: Apple watch wearers...send Elsa a Thank You! Yeah. She also make components for Samsung Sony Huawei watches and speakers Garrett Nelson, Árni - Fab Lab Akureyri:👍 Nuria Robles | LEON:💟 Svavar Konradsson Fab Lab Isafjordur, Árni - Fab Lab Akureyri:😃
16:24:22 Von Rico Kanthatham an Alle: Replying to "Apple watch wearers...send Elsa a Thank You! Yeah....": Thank you Elsa!!!
16:24:52 Von Patrick an Alle: Replying to "Batman!!! chana chana Batman!!!": fun fact This fish is Otocinclus batmani
16:24:54 Von Patrick an Alle: Replying to "Batman!!! chana chana Batman!!!": batman.jpeg
16:24:58 Von Pradnya S an Alle: Replying to "Batman!!! chana chana Batman!!!": It's sound me like Marathi (regional language) chana - good😅 Adrián - Fab Lab León:😅
16:25:11 Von Nancy-shanghai an Alle: Somehow she said Samsung Sony in Chinese lol Too nervous Rico Kanthatham, Nancy-shanghai:🩷
16:27:01 Von Garrett Nelson an Alle: Is that using OpenSCAD?
16:27:41 Von Rico Kanthatham an Alle: THAT's a cool name
16:27:42 Von Forrest O. an Alle: Ireland, was that (browser 3d parameteric)?
16:27:59 Von Enterprise fablab an Alle: Replying to "Ireland, was that (browser 3...": Yes
16:28:06 Von Enterprise fablab an Alle: Replying to "Ireland, was that (browser 3...": !
16:29:44 Von Forrest O. an Alle: Replying to "Ireland, was that (browser 3...": Armenian startup, I’ve played with it just a little. Elen Grigoryan:❤️
16:30:08 Von Pradnya S an Alle: Nice
16:30:48 Von Enterprise fablab an Alle: Replying to "Ireland, was that (browser 3...": @Forrest O. yes me too... its very buggy Forrest O.:🙏
16:31:31 Von Saheen Palayi an Alle: sorry network gone here in Kochi
nice timing : (
Árni - Fab Lab Akureyri, Pablo Fab Lab Leon:😢
16:32:52 Von Jarni Rai Castillo Yarlequé an Alle: Nice
16:33:04 Von Amr Yaser Abdulrahiem an Alle: I have the same camera can I get in touch with you to try it @Omar Baalbaki(SK 7)
16:33:19 Von Omar Baalbaki(SK 7) an Alle: Replying to "I have the same camera can I get in touch with you...": Absolutely!
16:33:21 Von Rico Kanthatham an Alle: Push you button!
16:33:23 Von Rico Kanthatham an Alle: 2025-02-27 00_29_23-.jpg
16:33:25 Von Garrett Nelson an Alle: Replying to "I have the same camera can I get in touch with you...": Same request Omar Omar Baalbaki(SK 7):👍
16:33:32 Von Rico Kanthatham an Alle: Replying to "Push you button!": *your
16:33:41 Von Garrett Nelson an Alle: Replying to "I have the same camera can I get in touch with you...": It's a shame that Intel has essentially abandoned the real sense cameras Omar Baalbaki(SK 7):😢
16:33:46 Von Elsa Cui an Alle: Replying to "Apple watch wearers...send Elsa a Thank You! Yeah....": 🙌
16:33:57 Von Elsa Cui an Alle: Replying to "Apple watch wearers...send Elsa a Thank You!": 🙌
16:34:08 Von Claire Lake Mac Libraries Fab Lab an Alle: Replying to "2025-02-27 00_29_23-.jpg": I need to make a new one
16:34:15 Von Miriam an Alle: Neil as Sith Lord with a purple lightsaber cuz it’s cool
16:34:23 Von Amr Yaser Abdulrahiem an Alle: Replying to "I have the same camera can I get in touch with you...": great ^^ I will try to find in mattermost thanks ^^ Omar Baalbaki(SK 7):❤️
16:34:34 Von Rico Kanthatham an Alle: Replying to "2025-02-27 00_29_23-.jpg": cmon...mine is a xiao on a mini breadboard!
16:34:50 Von Omar Baalbaki(SK 7) an Alle: Replying to "I have the same camera can I get in touch with you...": Please get in touch: here is my mail: @Amr Yaser Abdulrahiem @Garrett Nelson Amr Yaser Abdulrahiem:❤️
16:35:16 Von Ofelia Sevilla - Ulima an Alle: I scanned a plant of my garden with an app called Luma 3D and printed it in resin.
16:35:18 Von Ofelia Sevilla - Ulima an Alle: {C299E793-62A3-496B-A2D7-7D2E0B1833FA}.png
16:35:19 Von Ofelia Sevilla - Ulima an Alle: {1CA3FBA4-4B07-4AB7-9B37-65BE27E8758B}.png Claire Lake Mac Libraries Fab Lab, Doaa El-Bess:❤️ Garrett Nelson:👍
16:35:32 Von Claire Lake Mac Libraries Fab Lab an Alle: Replying to "2025-02-27 00_29_23-.jpg": I will commit to making for next week :)
16:36:04 Von Jarni Rai Castillo Yarlequé an Alle: elephants with different morphologies
16:36:07 Von Jarni Rai Castillo Yarlequé an Alle: style_elephant_V2.jpg Doaa El-Bess, Gayatri prasad:❤️
16:38:33 Von Rico Kanthatham an Alle: Iceland wins the FMCU participation award! Árni - Fab Lab Akureyri, andri-fab lab reykjavik:❤️
16:38:47 Von Rico Kanthatham an Alle: 2025-02-27 00_38_06-.jpg
16:39:28 Von Rico Kanthatham an Alle: Hello Shanghai! Saverio Shanghai:🤩
16:39:41 Von Rico Kanthatham an Alle: 2025-02-27 00_39_13-.jpg
16:40:08 Von Rico Kanthatham an Alle: Leon...where are you?
16:40:16 Von Rico Kanthatham an Alle: 2025-02-27 00_39_54-FMCU.jpg
16:40:27 Von Marius Araújo an Alle: Mine’s just a dev board, using one of the buttons as trigger
16:40:31 Von Marius Araújo an Alle: fmcu.JPG Ricardo Marques:💪
16:40:33 Von Miriam an Alle: lol I will make my button right now just to make Rico happy Rico Kanthatham:👍 Ricardo Marques:💪
16:40:42 Von Rico Kanthatham an Alle: Brazil?
16:40:55 Von Rico Kanthatham an Alle: Argentina?
16:41:03 Von Rico Kanthatham an Alle: 2025-02-27 00_40_30-.jpg
16:41:47 Von Rico Kanthatham an Alle: Replying to "2025-02-27 00_40_30-.jpg": gotta be brazil
16:42:30 Von Rico Kanthatham an Alle: Replying to "lol I will make my button right now just to make R...": hmmmm...still don't see you. Let me restart
16:42:51 Von Marius Araújo an Alle: Replying to "Brazil?": Yeah, someone in Sorocaba
16:42:57 Von Marius Araújo an Alle: Replying to "Brazil?": Fab lab facens Rico Kanthatham:👏
16:43:28 Von Marius Araújo an Alle: Replying to "lol I will make my button right now just to make R...": Yeah, have of force refresh
16:43:43 Von Marius Araújo an Alle: Replying to "lol I will make my button right now just to make R...": Quite nicely populated today
16:43:51 Von Miriam an Alle: Replying to "lol I will make my button right now just to make R...": I don’t have a connector
16:44:23 Von Rico Kanthatham an Alle: Replying to "lol I will make my button right now just to make R...": that you Marius?
16:44:34 Von Marius Araújo an Alle: Replying to "lol I will make my button right now just to make R...": Yes 🙂 Ricardo Marques:💪 Rico Kanthatham:🩷
16:53:05 Von Patrick an Alle: for those who have difficulties with electricity Just thing about it like water if you need a lot of water you need bigger pipes
This analogy also work with the resistance (longer the tube, the bigger the resistance, bigger the tube smaller the resistance)
Saheen Palayi:👆
16:54:49 Von Adrián - Fab Lab León an Alle: Replying to "Leon...where are you?": I pressed, but i think didn´t work very properly Miriam:😭
16:54:54 Von Saheen Palayi an Alle: Replying to "for those who have difficulties with electricity J...": and valves in the plumbing system can be relate to a transistor or a mosfet, ( source , gate drain ) Midhun, Patrick:😯
16:55:10 Von Adrián - Fab Lab León an Alle: Replying to "Leon...where are you?": Now
16:55:36 Von Adrián - Fab Lab León an Alle: Replying to "Leon...where are you?": {AC51398A-AA54-4D6C-AB58-A63A9DAFD340}.png Marius Araújo:🥳
16:57:01 Von Miriam an Alle: Replying to "Leon...where are you?": Mine not work 😢 Adrián - Fab Lab León, Marius Araújo:😥
16:57:27 Von Hiroe_Wast-harima an Alle: Replying to "Leon...where are you?": Mine not work, too Miriam, Adrián - Fab Lab León:😭
16:58:33 Von Pablo Fab Lab Leon an Alle: Replying to "for those who have difficulties with electricity J...": So i need a plumber to teach electronics? 😄 Rico Kanthatham, Adrián - Fab Lab León, Marita Chang, Patrick, Superfablab Kochi, Saheen Palayi:😂
16:59:11 Von Patrick an Alle: Powerfull capacitors can kill you! that is why we do not disassemble power supplies even if they are unplugged from the wall
16:59:16 Von Rico Kanthatham an Alle: component 'package size' comparison Adrián - Fab Lab León:❤️
16:59:18 Von Rico Kanthatham an Alle: 480545054_2443021659374006_1568651119285978843_n.jpg Adrián - Fab Lab León, Ricardo Marques:❤️ Patrick:😯
16:59:31 Von Patrick an Alle: Replying to "480545054_2443021659374006_1568651119285978843_n.j...": nice
17:01:22 Von Claire Lake Mac Libraries Fab Lab an Alle: Replying to "Leon...where are you?": I seem to recall a change was made to the site last year 🤔
17:02:04 Von Adrián - Fab Lab León an Alle: Replying to "Leon...where are you?": Reload the program...
17:02:48 Von Miriam an Alle: Replying to "Leon...where are you?": I am using a board that has esp32 s3
17:03:24 Von Saheen Palayi an Alle: Replying to "for those who have difficulties with electricity J...": diode:- one side flow valve in plumbing system 😁 Patrick:😆 Midhun:🥲
17:03:25 Von Rico Kanthatham an Alle: A great book for those very new to electronics. Worth the USD20 price. An older addition is available for viewing online.
"Getting Started in Electronics"
Lei Feng - Chaihuo, Patrick, Shintaro Ito:Node japan kannai:👍
Marius Araújo, Anna Sophia Brokuf:👍🏻
17:03:26 Von Adrián - Fab Lab León an Alle: Replying to "Leon...where are you?": I use the XIAO ESP32 C3
17:04:23 Von Miriam an Alle: Replying to "Leon...where are you?": I don’t have any at home haha Adrián - Fab Lab León:😥
17:04:26 Von Patrick an Alle: Replying to "for those who have difficulties with electricity J...": PS: your heart is a one side flow system ^^ Saheen Palayi:😁 Ricardo Marques:🫀
17:05:10 Von Saheen Palayi an Alle: Replying to "for those who have difficulties with electricity J...": LED :- leaking one side flow valve then 🧐 Patrick, Jesal Mehta:😆 Midhun:🫤
17:05:11 Von Rico Kanthatham an Alle: Replying to "A great book for those very new to electronics. Wo...": Pages 6-41 recommended reading for this week
17:05:35 Von Pablo Fab Lab Leon an Alle: Replying to "A great book for those very new to electronics. Wo...": I have this book ready to read it from 2012 😁 Marius Araújo:😅 Rico Kanthatham, Adrián - Fab Lab León:🩷
17:08:12 Von Rico Kanthatham an Alle: Replying to "A great book for those very new to electronics. Wo...": you can do it Pablo-san...this year is the year!
17:12:43 Von Ricardo Marques an Alle: if you're thinking of using transistors directly to control a motor you may need to look at tvs diodes to protect the transístor depending on the circuit.
17:13:31 Von Adrián - Fab Lab León an Alle: Be carefull with the regulators and mosfets, They look alike on the outside, but they are not the same. 😅
17:14:26 Von Marius Araújo an Alle: Replying to "Be carefull with the regulators and mosfets, They ...": Ask me how I know Tshering Dorji JNWSFL, Rico Kanthatham, Shintaro Ito:Node japan kannai:😂 Ricardo Marques, Patrick, Adrián - Fab Lab León:😆
17:15:11 Von Patrick an Alle: 9lktu3.jpg Doaa El-Bess, Marita Chang, erwin, Adrián - Fab Lab León, Tshering Wangzom, Árni - Fab Lab Akureyri, Marius Araújo, Claire Lake Mac Libraries Fab Lab, Lars Hofmann, Camila Luna, Elen Grigoryan, Þórarinn Bjartur Breiðfjörð Gunnarsson:😂
17:15:53 Von Adrián - Fab Lab León an Alle: Replying to "Be carefull with the regulators and mosfets, They ...": We know… hehehe Marius Araújo:😅
17:22:24 Von Rico Kanthatham an Alle: CAD, IDE, MCU...EDA
...confused yet?
Camila Luna, Patrick, Adrián - Fab Lab León, Jesal Mehta:😂
Marius Araújo, Patrick:😅
17:22:53 Von Adrián - Fab Lab León an Alle: Replying to "CAD, IDE, MCU...EDA ...confused yet?": ISP, I2C, UPDI...
17:22:59 Von Rico Kanthatham an Alle: Replying to "CAD, IDE, MCU...EDA ...confused yet?": we should make a Bingo game from Fab Acronyms Marius Araújo:👆🏻 Adrián - Fab Lab León, Patrick, Pablo Fab Lab Leon, Jesal Mehta:😅
17:23:15 Von Rico Kanthatham an Alle: Replying to "CAD, IDE, MCU...EDA ...confused yet?": UART I2S
17:23:26 Von Rico Kanthatham an Alle: Replying to "CAD, IDE, MCU...EDA ...confused yet?": PWM
17:23:26 Von Marius Araújo an Alle: Replying to "CAD, IDE, MCU...EDA ...confused yet?": @Pablo Fab Lab Leon for Global Open Time
17:23:58 Von Árni - Fab Lab Akureyri an Alle: Replying to "CAD, IDE, MCU...EDA ...confused yet?": irc, icq, ama, fab, pcb, dnd, lol, ftw, wtf!? Adrián - Fab Lab León, Jesal Mehta:😅
17:24:14 Von andri-fab lab reykjavik an Alle: Replying to "CAD, IDE, MCU...EDA ...confused yet?": ROFL
17:24:19 Von Neil an Alle: Replying to "CAD, IDE, MCU...EDA ...confused yet?": TLA Árni - Fab Lab Akureyri, Pablo Fab Lab Leon, Ricardo Marques, Adrián - Fab Lab León, Marius Araújo, andri-fab lab reykjavik, Jesal Mehta:😂
17:24:39 Von Neil an Alle: Replying to "CAD, IDE, MCU...EDA ...confused yet?": Three Letter Acronym Tshering Wangzom, Marita Chang:😂 Patrick, Roberto, Miriam:🤣
17:24:43 Von Rico Kanthatham an Alle: Replying to "CAD, IDE, MCU...EDA ...confused yet?": trick question! Tshering Wangzom, Marita Chang:😂
17:25:14 Von Rico Kanthatham an Alle: Replying to "CAD, IDE, MCU...EDA ...confused yet?": FAB!!! Adrián - Fab Lab León:😅
17:28:39 Von henk an Alle: kicad 9 was just released! Bir Maya Rai JNWSFL, Omar Baalbaki(SK 7):👏 Ricardo Marques, Marius Araújo:🫶
17:30:30 Von Adrián - Fab Lab León an Alle: Attiny412 💕 Saheen Palayi:☺️ Miriam:👍
17:32:01 Von Patrick an Alle: Replying to "Attiny412 💕": I might ruin this for you but whenever I see that word I have jawas from star wars in mind Camila Luna, Claire Lake Mac Libraries Fab Lab, Adrián - Fab Lab León:😂
17:34:53 Von Saheen Palayi an Alle: Replying to "kicad 9 was just released!": about Kicad 9.0
17:35:30 Von Miriam an Alle: Replying to "Attiny412 💕": 202502270135270000.jpg Patrick, Adrián - Fab Lab León, Pablo Fab Lab Leon:🤣
17:36:51 Von Adrián - Fab Lab León an Alle: Replying to "kicad 9 was just released!": It's a bit hasty to use KiCAD 9 for students, it may not be stable. Better 7 or 8.
17:36:52 Von Pablo Fab Lab Leon an Alle: Replying to "CAD, IDE, MCU...EDA ...confused yet?": Bingo is ready for Saturday! Come and join us during Global Open Time. Camila Luna, Adrián - Fab Lab León, Rico Kanthatham, Tshering Wangzom:❤️ Ricardo Marques:🌐 Adrián - Fab Lab León:😅 Marius Araújo:🤍
17:40:20 Von Rico Kanthatham an Alle: Replying to "CAD, IDE, MCU...EDA ...confused yet?": @Pablo Fab Lab Leon I forgot 'LED'
17:40:44 Von Pablo Fab Lab Leon an Alle: Replying to "CAD, IDE, MCU...EDA ...confused yet?": i added a bunch of them :P Rico Kanthatham, Camila Luna, Marius Araújo:👍
17:40:59 Von Adrián - Fab Lab León an Alle: EasyEDA. Online Marius Araújo:👍🏻
17:41:11 Von Marius Araújo an Alle: Replying to "CAD, IDE, MCU...EDA ...confused yet?": RTFM? Adrián - Fab Lab León:😅
17:41:11 Von Ricardo Marques an Alle: Replying to "CAD, IDE, MCU...EDA ...confused yet?": 3 letters only? igbt
17:42:05 Von Pablo Fab Lab Leon an Alle: Kris, the master of libraries 😍 Marius Araújo, Miriam:👆🏻 Adrián - Fab Lab León:💕 Forrest O., Svavar Konradsson - Fab Lab Isafjordur:📚
17:44:11 Von Rico Kanthatham an Alle: Replying to "Kris, the master of libraries 😍": {2E836DC7-55E6-4B05-8046-D6935D97A708}.png Adrián - Fab Lab León:💕 Patrick:😆 Nuria Robles | LEON:🤩
17:44:53 Von Patrick an Alle: so OpenSCAD for EDA ?
17:46:23 Von Miriam an Alle: Replying to "CAD, IDE, MCU...EDA ...confused yet?":
17:46:30 Von Miriam an Alle: Replying to "CAD, IDE, MCU...EDA ...confused yet?": What’s your EDA?
17:46:31 Von Aalto Fablab an Alle: Replying to "Kris, the master of libraries 😍": thank you my children thank you Adrián - Fab Lab León, Árni - Fab Lab Akureyri, Rico Kanthatham, Marius Araújo:❤️ Nuria Robles | LEON:🤣
17:47:10 Von Aalto Fablab an Alle: Replying to "Kris, the master of libraries 😍": may thou kicad library help to materialize your wildest project ideas Enterprise fablab, Patrick, Árni - Fab Lab Akureyri, Adrián - Fab Lab León, Marius Araújo, Pablo Fab Lab Leon, Elen Grigoryan, Eman Elkfrawy, olof:😂
17:55:43 Von Adrián - Fab Lab León an Alle: For textiles, FabriXIAO. Miriam:👀
17:56:28 Von Saheen Palayi an Alle: Function generator ?
17:56:39 Von henk an Alle: links to logic analyzers from the slides on debugging Adrián - Fab Lab León, Patrick, Miriam:💕
17:57:02 Von Ricardo Marques an Alle: looking at pwm on na osciloscope is very easy to try. plus they all have exemple/calibration signals.
17:57:35 Von Justyn an Alle: there is an oscilliscope in our lab, but I dont much about it
17:57:59 Von henk an Alle: Replying to "there is an oscilliscope in our lab, but I dont mu...": so this is your week! Ricardo Marques:💪 Adrián - Fab Lab León:🙏
17:58:00 Von Saheen Palayi an Alle: Replying to "looking at pwm on na osciloscope is very easy to t...": function generator + DSO = wave forms
17:59:18 Von Adrián - Fab Lab León an Alle: Remember, Global Open Time is back this Saturday. 10:00 AM Boston Time.
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