regional review
Dylan Heneck
Patrick Dezséri

Mkhitar Evoyan
Forrest Oliphant
Derenik Danielyan
Look mom, I am in FreeCad))))
Chat: 13:18:39 Von jakob an Alle: how do you upload large stl files? Do you save them on your website?
13:19:00 Von Patrick an Alle: Replying to "how do you upload large stl files? Do you save the...": generally in 7z (zip file)
13:20:12 Von jakob an Alle: Replying to "how do you upload large stl files? Do you save the...": somehow it is still some megabites large after compression for me...
13:20:24 Von jakob an Alle: Replying to "how do you upload large stl files? Do you save the...": what is the size in your case of the compressed file?
13:27:06 Von Dylan an Alle: super nice
13:27:40 Von Patrick an Alle: Replying to "how do you upload large stl files? Do you save the...": {5620715A-92C8-45FF-B335-2520B7E06F70}.png
13:36:34 Von Krisjanis Rijnieks an Alle: sorry, was in the wrong room Patrick:😅
13:36:46 Von Mkhitar Evoyan an Alle: Neil said that we can create dropbox account and put it there and share the link
13:48:29 Von Forrest O. an Alle: Individual computer camera and mic work better than the room ones. cc: Waag & TU
14:00:54 Von Babken Chugaszyan an Alle: I have to go guys sorry! See you during the lecture! Patrick:👋
14:04:17 Von Mkhitar Evoyan an Alle: Sorry, my internet connection is not good.
14:05:44 Von Patrick an Alle: Replying to "Sorry, my internet connection is not good.": happens ;)
14:07:34 Von Patrick an Alle: Replying to "Nachricht wurde vor Ihrem Beitritt zum Meeting ges...": @Elen Grigoryan so I got it to work 1) FreeCAD couldn't export it so I used blender to create the GLB file 2) Check the file size. If it is bigger than 20MB it wont be pushed to git Elen Grigoryan:❤️
14:09:08 Von Sedat YALÇIN an Alle: Cool Forrest Forrest O.:❤️🔥
14:12:14 Von jakob an Alle: Replying to "Cool Forrest": instant bookmark
14:13:39 Von Mkhitar Evoyan an Alle: I'm here
14:14:57 Von Benedikt Ilmenau an Alle: Your part is not easy to mill but still achivable Derenik Danielyan:❤️
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