Week 6: Electronics Design
PCB Basics / Design Rules
Following you find a small presentation to get a general idea on how to design circuits and a che...
regional review
Sam Irja Dylan Heneck Patrick Dezséri Jakob Bene Mkhitar Evoyan Forrest Olip...
prep meeting
I noticed the 0603 resistors and capacitors that were added to fab inventory. Are we moving towar...
global class homework
Sierra Nieves Final Project: Functional Fashion (Heart Rate Monitor) http://fab.cba.mit.edu/cla...
global class
package 1206 --> 0.12x0.06 inch = 3.048x1.524mm FabXIAO TLA = Three Letter Acronym 5 mil/thou = 0...
global class chat
14:34:03 Von Krisjanis Rijnieks an Alle: I noticed the 0603 resistors and capacitors that were ad...
local class
Building circuits the hard way. An introduction to freeform electronics Introduction and KiCad P...
global open time
use kicad 8, 9 still has some problems have 2 leds: power & debugging debugging: run a blink pro...