Week 5: 3D Scanning & Printing
regional meeting
Mkhitar Evoyan good trick to connect esp32 without soldering ❗Note. After uploading the code I’l...
prep meeting
Computer controlled machining has to be on a machine where the sorter side is at least 1m! This m...
global class
Albert hat eine Nachricht an Neils randomizer geschickt :-) Yuya Tokuyama pico w My Final Proje...
Lecture Chat
15:05:04 From Patrick - waag To Everyone: Replying to "Message sent before you joined the meeting...
3D Printing Design Rules
global open time
16:31:22 Von Angel Fang an Alle: Qlone works as well Rico Kanthatham:👍 16:31:29 Von Adrian - Fab ...
local lecture
examples for printing processes https://duckduckgo.com/?q=mediated+matter+group https://duckduckg...
recitation AI
https://fabacademy.org/2025/recitation/AI/index.html Crail Lyu slides Embedded AI/ML Crail Lyu cu...
recitation chat
15:02:33 Von Crail Lyu an Alle: https://www.science.org/doi/epdf/10.1126/science.adw7713 15:09:00...
Notes from Jakob (may need refinement) copper sulphate solution a (copper sulphate) solution b s...