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38 total results found

Regional Meeting

Week 4: Embedded Programming

Yerlan Turgenbayev Penguin as paper-fold Teneth Vinyl cutter Fiber-laser monportlaser Mkhitar Evoyan Crazy inclined cuts [ Zhirayr Ghukasyan beautiful origami fold Patrick Dezséri svgsilh Vinyl cut Irja Linnerud http://irja-ed23b9...


Relevant For All Weeks

Fablab Our TU Ilmenau website on The general website of fabacademy 2025: The inventory of everything a fablab needs:

Open time

Week 4: Embedded Programming

the key word is "browse" the datasheet multiple projects failed last year due to unknown reasons blacklisted in our lab try ESP32 C6 Ricardo Marques I've only used the esp32's for test but I had a lot of problems with a couple SAMD21 xiaos a while back. I only...


Week 0: Bootcamps

14.01.2025 bootcamp-instructors pi FabAcademy ChatGPT


Week 0: Bootcamps Saved chat history Saved chat history students_bootcamp_day1.pdf youtube_fabacademy+beachlab Day 2 To...

Week01: principles and practices, presentations, introductions, project management

Week 1: Project Management & Web Develo...

regional review Fablab TU Ilmenau (Ilmenau, Germany): Ferdi, Benedikt Feit, Matthias Ernesto Testa, Sophia Guzmán, ArtmannNiclas Starost, Jakob Lerch, Richard Draxler, Jarni Raí Castillo Yarlequé Waag Futurelab / Fablab Amsterdam (Amsterdam, Netherlands): Dyl...


Week 2: Computer-Aided Design

"list of repository sizes" Lars Hofman Neil recommends "windows wsl" (windows linux subsystem) Thom Conaty go to telehack, type "starwars" kerstin-ogrissek mk-docs mariadelourdes-diguero (16 years old) Youngest FabAc...


Week 3: Computer-Controlled Cutting

recitation: programming and debugging

regional review

Week 3: Computer-Controlled Cutting

Patrick Dezséri Fusion, FreeCAD, blender, Onshape, FFMPEG, Kdenlive, Powertoys, Imagemagick Matthias Pytha, FreeCAD, Blender Jakob Blender, FreeCAD Dylan Heneck 3D: Fusion, blender 2D: Inkscape Sam Yerlan Turgenbayev Jarni Raí Castillo Yarlequé Blender, FreeC...

global class

Week 3: Computer-Controlled Cutting

ls -sh Andrew Mark The promise of Self-Sufficient Production Björn Hreinsson Electrician and teacher at the Vocational School in Iceland Kelly Dobson (scream baggy) usb pd phantom amazon? or better amazon usb+pd+phantom+pcb Revisankar S CNC milling competi...

regional review

Week 2: Computer-Aided Design

Fab Lab Armenia (Dilijan, Armenia) zhirayr-ghukasyan mkdocs mkhitar-evoyan mkdocs derenik-danielyan mkdocs Waag Futurelab / Fablab Amsterdam (Amsterdam, Netherlands) patrick-dezseri mkdocs mesh weather dylan-heneck mkdocs

global class

Week 2: Computer-Aided Design

Class Computer aided design blender FabAcademy Blender Tutorial: Precision Size, Scale and measurement Mastering Precision Modelling in Blender - A Beginner friendly Guide chat_06

regional meeting

Week 5: 3D Scanning & Printing

Mkhitar Evoyan good trick to connect esp32 without soldering ❗Note. After uploading the code I’ll need to reset the board to start the code execution by pressing b button on device. This will put the board into the programming mode. Once the upload is complet...

prep meeting

Week 5: 3D Scanning & Printing

Computer controlled machining has to be on a machine where the sorter side is at least 1m! This month we will be introduced to our global evaluator.

global class

Week 5: 3D Scanning & Printing

Albert hat eine Nachricht an Neils randomizer geschickt :-) Yuya Tokuyama pico w My Final Project: Golgo 13 Machine a DIY drone with SAR, rather advanced Jenna Chebaro Windows subsystem for Linux (windows wsl) pro...

local lecture

Week 5: 3D Scanning & Printing

examples for printing processes manual gcode generation

global open time

Week 5: 3D Scanning & Printing

16:31:22 Von Angel Fang an Alle: Qlone works as well Rico Kanthatham:👍 16:31:29 Von Adrian - Fab Lab León an Alle: Replying to "Qlone works as well": Yes 16:31:42 Von Noel Saji an Alle: Has anyone used a 3D scanning app for Android phones? 16:32:13 Von Evert S...

recitation AI

Week 5: 3D Scanning & Printing Crail Lyu slides Embedded AI/ML Crail Lyu cutting AI down to size Advanced AI for Fabacademy SenseCraft Valdemar Danry slides: Design Olivia Seow text t...

recitation chat

Week 5: 3D Scanning & Printing

15:02:33 Von Crail Lyu an Alle: 15:09:00 Von jakob an Alle: What does "Processing" refer to in the previous slide in the edge AI block? 15:10:35 Von henk an Alle: can somebody repost the url crail put in...

regional review

Week 6: Electronics Design

Sam Irja Dylan Heneck Patrick Dezséri Jakob Bene Mkhitar Evoyan Forrest Oliphant Derenik Danielyan Look mom, I am in FreeCad)))) Arda Chat: 13:18:39 Von jakob an Alle: how do you uplo...