Neil's Lecture
- Intro
- everybody now has a global evaluator. the global eval is not only an evaluation but its also a person to talk to when there are problems and they help you to fulfill fa standards
- there is a schedule for it
February 12: global eval started
March 9: US Daylight Savings Time
by March 1: student+local+global intro meetings
April 9-23:
- break, midterm
- preceding weekly assignments due
- student+local+global review meetings
- review assignments and final plan
- sort into likely/possible/unlikely to finish this cycle
June 4: weekly assignments due
June 9-13: final presentations
June 16-20: student+local+global review meetings
June 23: global eval decisions deadline
July 4-11: FAB25
Student Reviews
- ... ??? from charlotte latin
- button box
- reykjavik, evert
- works in the fablab, interested in using the fablab more an dimproves his teaching.
- include the prompts when you do LLM stuff!
- final project: some chair thingy
- but you can also do a final project that fly:
- kitagaya:
- ernesto castro
- final project: ...
- there is a mini mini tiny fab thingy neil showed
- concern: you need a material that easily dissolves, but the materaial would be very vulnerable
- you can also cut using hot wire.
- search: "pancake plotter"
- ahmet burhan bas
- does automata kit to teach people about automatic systems
- wants to do somethign with audio
- final project:
- this in hardware:
- the best music project ever: antonis cristion of htmaa:
- he likes very abstract music
- it was a graphical game. while you were building the sahpes, you are synthesizing
- shintaro ito: node japan kannai
- data analysis
- fabacademy because: read some book from neil
- final project: cleaning wheels
- project to make a dishwasher by jfduval
- koharu takeda
- nice vinyl cutting design
- final project:
- some table tennis table
- Doaa Elbess
- Evelyn Cuadrado
- akash
- did flexible cardboard thing by engravign away the top layer of it.
- ofelia
- in week 3 sh built masks from vinyl cutter
Ferdi's Addendum
- option to have class in bigger classroom?
- tomorrow at 9:
- we all would be terribly bored with an arduino intro class
- arduino intro
- we should have a look at the few available microprocessors
- make a plan on what we have to do for the group assignment
- social modia appointment
- available boards
- we will use the rp2040 a lot
- yes, we really should read all the manual
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