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prep meeting

PCBs with X-1 works good, also for cutting and drilling
KICAD Gerber to fabmodules
I2S Microphones


13:33:58 Von ferdi an Alle: Can it cut holes and outline?

13:34:03 Von ndcoster an Alle: I got mine but wasn't brave enough to test it yet.

13:34:25 Von ferdi an Alle: Awesome!

13:35:50 Von saheen palayi an Alle:

here is the wiki
Svavar Konradsson Fab Lab Isafjordur, henk, Krisjanis Rijnieks:šŸ‘
Pablo Fab Lab Leon:šŸ‘
AdriĆ”n - Fab Lab LeĆ³n, Lars Mattern - HRW Fablab, Frosti GĆ­slason - Iceland- Vestmannaeyjar - Fab Lab:šŸ’•

13:37:32 Von ndcoster an Alle: design with eagle without Eagle saheen palayi:šŸ˜

13:37:46 Von saheen palayi an Alle: Replying to "": wiki also linked at the corner

13:46:03 Von henk an Alle: @julian we can try it first on out gitlab server...

13:46:39 Von Jul an Alle: Replying to "@julian we can try it first on out gitlab server.....": ok :)

13:47:17 Von saheen palayi an Alle: just mentioning. Our X tools F1 Ultra arrived at the lab last week this runs with PNG file, 4 passes, 1 hour !!!!? ( still figuring out to work) the result:- AdriĆ”n - Fab Lab LeĆ³n:šŸ˜… Rico Kanthatham:šŸ¤¦

13:47:26 Von saheen palayi an Alle: 20250312_181133.jpg Nuria Robles | LEON:ā²ļø AdriĆ”n - Fab Lab LeĆ³n, Pablo Fab Lab Leon, Ricardo Marques, Svavar Konradsson Fab Lab Isafjordur:ā¤ļø henk:ā¤ļøā€šŸ”„

13:47:43 Von Frosti GĆ­slason - Iceland- Vestmannaeyjar - Fab Lab an Alle:

13:51:35 Von henk an Alle: Replying to "20250312_181133.jpg": was it FR1 copperclad?

13:51:44 Von Claire - Lake Mac Libraries Fab Lab an Alle: I figured out how to export SVG from kicad 9 Marius AraĆŗjo:šŸ¤

13:52:35 Von AdriĆ”n - Fab Lab LeĆ³n an Alle: Replying to "I figured out how to export SVG from kicad 9": You need to export as Gerber and them use this:

13:53:48 Von Fab Lab Barcelona an Alle: How?

13:53:17 Von Claire - Lake Mac Libraries Fab Lab an Alle: Replying to "I figured out how to export SVG from kicad 9": {C690B464-D66D-4133-B2C1-7DA2BEFE3D8B}.png

13:53:22 Von Marius AraĆŗjo an Alle: Replying to "I figured out how to export SVG from kicad 9": Great!!

13:53:30 Von Claire - Lake Mac Libraries Fab Lab an Alle: Replying to "I figured out how to export SVG from kicad 9": Screenshot 2025-03-12 235210.png

13:53:33 Von henk an Alle: Replying to "I figured out how to export SVG from kicad 9": that produces a not functioning svg

13:53:36 Von AdriĆ”n - Fab Lab LeĆ³n an Alle: Replying to "I figured out how to export SVG from kicad 9": But you need to check the resolution

13:53:56 Von Marius AraĆŗjo an Alle: Replying to "I figured out how to export SVG from kicad 9": Oh :/

13:55:00 Von henk an Alle: Replying to "I figured out how to export SVG from kicad 9": resolution is not workable Miriam:šŸ‘†

13:55:17 Von Andri SƦmundsson - Fab Lab Reykjavik an Alle: You can also in pcb editor do File - Fabrication Output - Gerber and change format to SVG Marius AraĆŗjo, Pablo Fab Lab Leon, AdriĆ”n - Fab Lab LeĆ³n:šŸ‘€

13:56:44 Von Aalto Fablab an Alle: or gerber to flatcam or coppercam Ricardo Marques:šŸ‘†

13:57:21 Von Aalto Fablab an Alle: hisar lab has a new machine that has software that understands gerber well

13:57:32 Von Ricardo Marques an Alle: if it's a sizing issue it may be easier to add a module to mods to deal with it? vectors are vectors

13:57:35 Von AdriĆ”n - Fab Lab LeĆ³n an Alle: Replying to "hisar lab has a new machine that has software that...": And with mods?

13:57:42 Von saheen palayi an Alle: some issues :- mods converting the svg again to png and detecting edges . so its better we load png directly ? noticed the browser stuck if we load bigger PCB svg in to mods

13:57:47 Von Aalto Fablab an Alle: Replying to "hisar lab has a new machine that has software that...": nope AdriĆ”n - Fab Lab LeĆ³n:šŸ˜­

13:58:09 Von Aalto Fablab an Alle: Replying to "hisar lab has a new machine that has software that...": but wasn't there a gerber to image module in mods?

13:58:32 Von Shintaro Ito : Node japan kannai an Alle: It's the beginning of a good time! I'm a little glad it's daylight savings time.šŸ˜Ž (It's currently 10pm in Japan.) AdriĆ”n - Fab Lab LeĆ³n, Marius AraĆŗjo, Tshering Wangzom JNWSFL bhutan:ā¤ļø Miriam, Hiroe Takeda:šŸ‘†