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global class

14:31:35 Von andri-fab lab reykjavik an Alle: thanks

14:32:48 Von Krisjanis Rijnieks an Alle: 1GB>

14:36:41 Von henk an Alle: It can be set in http, server and location context —

14:37:08 Von Jani Ylioja an Alle: Then you have to see me eating, sorry :d

14:37:12 Von henk an Alle:

14:39:15 Von Luc Hanneuse-AgriLab an Alle: +1 for Miriam camera on doing bicycles... Jul, Noor Ahmed Raza Pirwani, Fab Lab Akureyri:👌 Jani Ylioja, Fab Lab Akureyri, Claire Lake Mac Libraries Fab Lab:👍 saheen palayi, Fab Lab Akureyri, Pablo Fab Lab Leon, Ted:😅 Fab Lab Barcelona, Noor Ahmed Raza Pirwani, Fab Lab Akureyri:😍

14:39:55 Von Charlotte Latin an Alle: I think you have to keep an eye on Dr. Fagan. I know he trained us!☺️

14:40:25 Von Jul an Alle: Replying to "It can be set in http, server and location context...": i assume that webui is using a specific api endpoint but to your point i could try a custom location block if that would work

14:40:25 Von henk an Alle: Replying to "+1 for Miriam camera on doing bicycles...": where is your nice helmet

14:40:26 Von Terence Fagan an Alle: Replying to "I think you have to keep an eye on Dr. Fagan. I kn...": Always

14:40:57 Von saheen palayi an Alle: Tree supports

14:41:05 Von Fab Lab Akureyri an Alle: Super nice

14:41:24 Von Jesal | RIIDL an Alle: The tree supports are beautiful Terence Fagan:👍

14:41:27 Von henk an Alle: Important for next week: svg export in kicad 9 broke! Marius Araújo:🙁

14:41:48 Von Daniel Mateos an Alle: Broke how??

14:42:00 Von saheen palayi an Alle: Replying to "Important for next week: svg export in kicad 9 bro...": lets use gerber then

14:42:24 Von Adrián - Fab Lab León an Alle: Replying to "Important for next week: svg export in kicad 9 bro...": Export as a Production Format

14:42:28 Von Marius Araújo an Alle: Replying to "Important for next week: svg export in kicad 9 bro...": I always used svg export for further Inkscape edits

14:42:33 Von Krisjanis Rijnieks an Alle: Isnt there Gerber input for Mods?

14:42:47 Von Jani Ylioja an Alle: seem to remember

14:42:48 Von saheen palayi an Alle:

14:42:48 Von Svavar Konradsson Fab Lab Isafjordur an Alle: We like

14:42:51 Von Þórarinn Bjartur Breiðfjörð Gunnarsson an Alle: We like this tool: andri-fab lab reykjavik:❤️

14:42:51 Von Tshering Wangzom an Alle: i use PNG which works

14:43:00 Von Krisjanis Rijnieks an Alle: Gerber to PNG could do

14:43:15 Von Krisjanis Rijnieks an Alle: I think Quentin did a solution for HTM

14:43:25 Von andri-fab lab reykjavik an Alle: you can select svg as a plot format when you do fabrication output - gerbers Svavar Konradsson Fab Lab Isafjordur:👍

14:43:52 Von Krisjanis Rijnieks an Alle: Here

14:43:57 Von Adrián - Fab Lab León an Alle: In KiCAD 7 and 8 Works well, but not for 9.

14:44:06 Von henk an Alle: Replying to "I think Quentin did a solution for HTM": yes, he did a gerber to svg/png

14:44:55 Von Þórarinn Bjartur Breiðfjörð Gunnarsson an Alle: There is also new jobsets tool now in KiCad I don't fully understand how it works but it looks like it has some svg option. 

14:44:58 Von Sibin K S | Fablab Kerala an Alle: Adrián - Fab Lab León, Rico Kanthatham, andri-fab lab reykjavik, Pablo Fab Lab Leon:💕

14:45:11 Von andri-fab lab reykjavik an Alle: gerber2png is awesome!

14:45:45 Von Rico Kanthatham an Alle: nice @saheen palayi!! Adrián - Fab Lab León, saheen palayi:💕

14:46:59 Von saheen palayi an Alle: will share a wiki how to use gerber to PNG on next week Frosti Gíslason - Iceland- Vestmannaeyjar - Fab Lab, Lars Mattern - HRW Fablab, Adrián - Fab Lab León, Kazutoshi Tsuda:❤️ Micka - FablabCuenca/ASQ:👍

14:47:04 Von Tshering Wangzom an Alle: sorry I was mistaken I take the svg and convert it into PNG in inkscape.

14:47:37 Von henk an Alle: Replying to "sorry I was mistaken I take the svg and convert it...": in kicad 9 that is not working anymore Claire Lake Mac Libraries Fab Lab:☹️

14:47:39 Von Fab Lab Akureyri an Alle: Running here right now

14:47:46 Von Fab Lab Akureyri an Alle: PXL_20250305_134622270.jpg Ricardo Marques, saheen palayi:❤️ Þórarinn Bjartur Breiðfjörð Gunnarsson, Marius Araújo, andri-fab lab reykjavik, Amany Ayman, Svavar Konradsson Fab Lab Isafjordur:🔥

14:47:58 Von saheen palayi an Alle: our F1 Ultra on the way 🥳

14:48:55 Von Nancy-shanghai an Alle: How is Xtool working after sales? Anyone use it a lot? I heard it has more issues than other brand from clients.

14:49:12 Von PAST Innovation Fab Lab an Alle: I have tried the F1 Ultra and the laser seems inconsistent. It burns through the board in some spots and not enough in others

14:49:25 Von Svavar Konradsson Fab Lab Isafjordur an Alle: Here's a combined milling + fiber laser workflow for PCBs: Fab Lab Akureyri:❤️

14:50:55 Von Pablo Fab Lab Leon an Alle: in assessment is right then, only document workflow :)

14:51:14 Von Saverio Shanghai an Alle: 2 dollars in china ;)

14:51:26 Von Pablo Fab Lab Leon an Alle: RTFAB

14:51:40 Von Adrián - Fab Lab León an Alle: We read it @Jani Ylioja❤️ Jani Ylioja:❤️

14:52:30 Von Pablo Fab Lab Leon an Alle: Replying to "I have tried the F1 Ultra and the laser seems inco...": Maybe the board is not flat enough? or not the same width in all.

14:52:40 Von andri-fab lab reykjavik an Alle: its already there

14:53:32 Von Claire Lake Mac Libraries Fab Lab an Alle: 6 April in Australia 🙂

14:53:43 Von Claire Lake Mac Libraries Fab Lab an Alle: Timezones are fun! Fab Lab Akureyri, Aalto Fablab, Luciana Asinari, Adrián - Fab Lab León:😂 Ricardo Marques, Fab Lab Akureyri, Pablo Fab Lab Leon, Svavar Konradsson Fab Lab Isafjordur, Adrián - Fab Lab León:😆

14:53:48 Von Pablo Fab Lab Leon an Alle: 4 weeks of Claire Lake Mac Libraries Fab Lab:😁

14:53:50 Von Adrián - Fab Lab León an Alle: Frosti!!!! Fab Lab Akureyri:🥶

14:54:29 Von Ricardo Marques an Alle: Quick question: nueval this week has "Checked your board can be fabricated." what qualifies? since we're only looking at production next week?

14:54:39 Von Claire Lake Mac Libraries Fab Lab an Alle: FMCU - Push the button! Luc Hanneuse-AgriLab, andri-fab lab reykjavik:👍

14:54:44 Von Claire Lake Mac Libraries Fab Lab an Alle: {DE46E4C5-2B02-4E1D-AA5F-6D213578B6F3}.png Norella Coronell, Marius Araújo, Adrián - Fab Lab León, Pablo Fab Lab Leon, Ted, Rico Kanthatham:😍

14:56:24 Von Marius Araújo an Alle: Replying to "{DE46E4C5-2B02-4E1D-AA5F-6D213578B6F3}.png": Wow! Lake Mac is on =D

14:56:40 Von Pablo Fab Lab Leon an Alle: Replying to "{DE46E4C5-2B02-4E1D-AA5F-6D213578B6F3}.png": So the sun isnt moving because the daylight saving? 😂 Claire Lake Mac Libraries Fab Lab, Adrián - Fab Lab León:😆

14:57:05 Von Noor Ahmed Raza Pirwani an Alle: we use to have a daylight saving concept in the time of dictatorship here in Pakistan

14:57:12 Von Claire Lake Mac Libraries Fab Lab an Alle: Replying to "{DE46E4C5-2B02-4E1D-AA5F-6D213578B6F3}.png": Almost 1am here on the other side of the world Marius Araújo:❤️

14:58:10 Von Marius Araújo an Alle: Replying to "{DE46E4C5-2B02-4E1D-AA5F-6D213578B6F3}.png": FMCU is a staple for out fab visitors, but there’s very few buttons pressed, usually Claire Lake Mac Libraries Fab Lab:☹️

14:58:20 Von Fab Lab Akureyri an Alle: Recent change in Kazakstan:

14:59:46 Von Ricardo Marques an Alle:

15:00:07 Von Saverio Shanghai an Alle: maybe, make the design rules check? Svavar Konradsson Fab Lab Isafjordur, Pablo Fab Lab Leon, Milliam:👍

15:00:38 Von saheen palayi an Alle: Replying to "maybe, make the design rules check?": both DRC and ERC

15:00:45 Von henk an Alle: ✅

15:00:52 Von Adrián - Fab Lab León an Alle: Replying to "maybe, make the design rules check?": Yes, is only DRC and ERC

15:01:07 Von Rico Kanthatham an Alle: Replying to "maybe, make the design rules check?": So specifying Design Rules this week is required...yes?

15:01:30 Von Pradnya K an Alle: Replying to "{DE46E4C5-2B02-4E1D-AA5F-6D213578B6F3}.png": India - No seasonal adjustment, No daylight saving 😕 concept here

15:01:41 Von Ricardo Marques an Alle: ok ty

15:02:04 Von Shintaro Ito:Node japan kannai an Alle: It started today! Fun times!

15:02:03 Von Pablo Fab Lab Leon an Alle: Replying to "{DE46E4C5-2B02-4E1D-AA5F-6D213578B6F3}.png": how can you survive then? 😁

15:02:46 Von Pradnya K an Alle: Replying to "{DE46E4C5-2B02-4E1D-AA5F-6D213578B6F3}.png": Just like everyday 😅

15:03:04 Von Pablo Fab Lab Leon an Alle: You are part of a network of PEOPLE! Welcome!

15:03:13 Von Shintaro Ito:Node japan kannai an Alle: Turning on the camera may have a positive effect on learning. Some studies have shown that keeping the camera on consistently has a positive impact on students’ subjective learning experiences and attention. The visual feedback allows students to focus more on the lesson content, leading to improved comprehension.

Additionally, from my personal experience, I once provided several months of online training to about 100 people. Some time later, a stranger approached me on the street. I had no recollection of this person at all, but after talking for a bit, I realized they had been one of my students. Back then, they had been too shy to turn on their camera, but meeting me in person made them so happy that they reached out. However, since I couldn't associate their name with a face, I was left feeling nothing but sadness.

For those who keep their cameras off, turning them on still provides an opportunity to build a human connection with Neil.
Rico Kanthatham:👏

15:03:23 Von Shintaro Ito:Node japan kannai an Alle: We are still on this journey together.

Of course, if you are attending Fab Academy during an important meeting, have a very weak internet connection, are dealing with some kind of trouble, or hold a strong belief system that requires keeping your camera off, then this does not apply to you.

Thank you for taking the time to read this long message.
Forrest O., Rico Kanthatham:👆
Pablo Fab Lab Leon, Rico Kanthatham:😍

15:04:08 Von Adrián - Fab Lab León an Alle: ❤️

15:04:17 Von Pradnya K an Alle: Hey Frosti ...🥰

15:04:17 Von Ricardo Marques an Alle: 🎶

15:04:33 Von Jhonatan Cortes an Alle: ❤️ Norella Coronell:💕

15:04:44 Von Claire Lake Mac Libraries Fab Lab an Alle: Go Iceland!!!

15:04:47 Von Luciana Asinari an Alle: 🧡🧡

15:04:54 Von DavidChan an Alle: ❤️

15:04:57 Von Nuria Robles | LEON an Alle: Coool!!!🥰

15:05:05 Von Rico Kanthatham an Alle: ❤️

15:05:07 Von Daniel Perez an Alle: 🎵

15:05:06 Von Maki Laura TANAKA an Alle: 😍

15:05:11 Von Geovanny Fortín an Alle: ❤️

15:05:14 Von Micka - FablabCuenca/ASQ an Alle: ❤️

15:05:17 Von Fab Lab Akureyri an Alle: Við erum vinir, við erum vinir. Ég og þú, ég og þú. Leikum okkur saman, leikum okkur saman. Ég og þú, ég og þú. Adrián - Fab Lab León, Svavar Konradsson Fab Lab Isafjordur:❤️ Rico Kanthatham, Svavar Konradsson Fab Lab Isafjordur:👆

15:05:18 Von Evelyn Andrea Cuadrado Guerrero an Alle: :D

15:05:17 Von ihlin an Alle: 🥰

15:05:27 Von Neil an Alle:

15:05:42 Von PAST Innovation Fab Lab an Alle: He is out sick today

15:06:08 Von PAST Innovation Fab Lab an Alle: I already have but will follow up

15:06:38 Von jakob an Alle: qdirstat is also a very nice alternative

or windirstat for windows
Jesal | RIIDL:😍

15:07:11 Von Fab Lab Akureyri an Alle: The inadvertent hacking price: How to bypass the commit size limit: 12 points! Adrián - Fab Lab León:😅

15:07:11 Von Albert - Reykjavík an Alle: What is an appropriate target size?

15:08:04 Von Neil an Alle:

15:08:48 Von saheen palayi an Alle: Replying to "What is an appropriate target size?": 10 Mb per week , 200 Mb max : )

15:09:01 Von Rico Kanthatham an Alle: woo hoo! global sessions will start at 10pm in Japan from Mar 9 saheen palayi, Fab Lab Akureyri, Pradnya K:😁 Shoko KUDOMI, Kazutoshi Tsuda, Ricardo Marques, Fab Lab Akureyri, Jesal | RIIDL, Adrián - Fab Lab León, Hiroe_West-harima:🤩 Milliam:🥳

15:09:25 Von Þórarinn Bjartur Breiðfjörð Gunnarsson an Alle: Image 2025-03-05 at 140919.png Ricardo Marques:👁️ Dylan:😂 Pablo Fab Lab Leon, saheen palayi, Fab Lab Akureyri, Rico Kanthatham, Patrick - waag, Adrián - Fab Lab León, Norella Coronell:🤣

15:09:27 Von henk an Alle:

15:09:33 Von saheen palayi an Alle: Replying to "woo hoo! global sessions will start at 10pm in Jap...": finally u can sleep little early 😁 Shoko KUDOMI:😆

15:09:43 Von Ricardo Marques an Alle: Replying to "woo hoo! global sessions will start at 10pm in Jap...": Slightly less awful for Austrália too

15:12:49 Von Krisjanis Rijnieks an Alle: it is more edisson vs westinhouse

15:13:00 Von Milliam an Alle: That photo🤣 Patrick - waag, Pablo Fab Lab Leon, Shintaro Ito:Node japan kannai:🤣

15:13:51 Von Krisjanis Rijnieks an Alle: there is a nice book about the AC/DC battle:

15:13:57 Von Pablo Fab Lab Leon an Alle: Replying to "That photo🤣": I love this video: Svavar Konradsson Fab Lab Isafjordur, Milliam, Þórarinn Bjartur Breiðfjörð Gunnarsson:😆

15:14:01 Von Shintaro Ito:Node japan kannai an Alle: There's an anecdote about Edison's intense harassment of Tesla over the AC or DC concession.

15:14:25 Von Milliam an Alle: Replying to "That photo🤣": 20250305231422.jpg Ricardo Marques, Patrick - waag, Shintaro Ito:Node japan kannai, Adrián - Fab Lab León, Þórarinn Bjartur Breiðfjörð Gunnarsson:⚡ Svavar Konradsson Fab Lab Isafjordur:😄

15:15:54 Von Krisjanis Rijnieks an Alle: yeah, the electric chair was edissons way of bullying AC technology. Since Edisson was DC guy, he wanted to show that AC is more deadly, thus he lobied for electric chair and built it mostly with parts from AC competitors

15:16:27 Von Krisjanis Rijnieks an Alle: Which at the time was mostly Westinghouse mostly. And Westinghouse hired Tesla to do some AC stuff Shintaro Ito:Node japan kannai:❤️

15:16:38 Von Dylan an Alle: avatar.jpg Jeremy Losaw, Ricardo Marques, Camila Luna - FabLab Cuenca ASQ, Norella Coronell:😂 Patrick - waag, Þórarinn Bjartur Breiðfjörð Gunnarsson, Fab Lab Akureyri:😅

15:18:03 Von Þórarinn Bjartur Breiðfjörð Gunnarsson an Alle: Remeber the Meme Academy: Adrián - Fab Lab León:❤️ Dylan, Pablo Fab Lab Leon:👍

15:18:07 Von Þórarinn Bjartur Breiðfjörð Gunnarsson an Alle: Image 2025-03-05 at 141729.png Ricardo Marques, Patrick - waag, Svavar Konradsson Fab Lab Isafjordur, Shintaro Ito:Node japan kannai:🧑‍🔬

15:19:33 Von Rico Kanthatham an Alle: Go Ashish!!! Shoko KUDOMI, saheen palayi:🥳

15:21:28 Von Bart -SP Fablab an Alle: Hi all Patrick - waag:👋 Ted, Rico Kanthatham:👍

15:21:42 Von Rico Kanthatham an Alle: buttermilk = Bartholomew in Singapore! Bart -SP Fablab, Jesal | RIIDL, Adrián - Fab Lab León:❤️ saheen palayi, Jesal | RIIDL:🔥

15:22:08 Von Bart -SP Fablab an Alle:

15:22:20 Von Bart -SP Fablab an Alle:

15:22:51 Von Bart -SP Fablab an Alle: Final project Pradnya K:❤️

15:25:41 Von Dylan an Alle: Replying to "Final project": Amazing work, Bart! Bart -SP Fablab:❤️

15:26:01 Von Adrián - Fab Lab León an Alle: Yeahhh ATtiny412!!! Midhun Joseph, saheen palayi, Hiroe_West-harima:❤️ Rico Kanthatham, Svavar Konradsson Fab Lab Isafjordur:👆

15:26:36 Von Milliam an Alle: Yay~!! ATTINY!!! Adrián - Fab Lab León, Hiroe_West-harima, Jeremy Losaw:💕

15:26:38 Von Adrián - Fab Lab León an Alle: Replying to "Yeahhh ATtiny412!!!": Less than 1$ Milliam:👍

15:27:55 Von Rico Kanthatham an Alle: Let's give Maestro Kris a round of applause!!! Milliam, Patrick - waag, Claire Lake Mac Libraries Fab Lab, henk, Pablo Fab Lab Leon, Sabareesh G, Naldi Carrion, andri-fab lab reykjavik, Ricardo Marques, Gayatri projects, Shoko KUDOMI, Rico Kanthatham, Adrián - Fab Lab León, Dylan, Þórarinn Bjartur Breiðfjörð Gunnarsson, Bart -SP Fablab, Svavar Konradsson Fab Lab Isafjordur, Lars Mattern - HRW Fablab, Matthias:👏 Jesal | RIIDL, Patrick - waag, Adrián - Fab Lab León, Sabareesh G:🚀 saheen palayi, Adrián - Fab Lab León, Patrick - waag, Sabareesh G, andri-fab lab reykjavik, Bart -SP Fablab, Hiroe_West-harima, Pradnya K:🥳

15:28:57 Von Krisjanis Rijnieks an Alle: Replying to "Let's give Maestro Kris a round of applause!!!": Thank you guys. It means a lot. Adrián - Fab Lab León, Rico Kanthatham, Patrick - waag, Jesal | RIIDL, Þórarinn Bjartur Breiðfjörð Gunnarsson, Hiroe_West-harima, Milliam, Matthias, Shoko KUDOMI:💕 Ricardo Marques:🫀

15:31:59 Von Daniel Mateos an Alle: Thank you Kris! The libraries are incredibly useful 💜 Tshering Dorji JNWSFL, Aalto Fablab:❤️

15:33:07 Von Pablo Fab Lab Leon an Alle: Great job Ashish!!!!

15:33:23 Von Midhun Joseph an Alle: Nice work Ashish

15:33:27 Von Rico Kanthatham an Alle: Ashish! Nice improvement from Asia Review. Shoko Score 10! Midhun Joseph, Shoko KUDOMI, Milliam, Adrián - Fab Lab León, saheen palayi, Tshering Dorji JNWSFL, Hiroe_West-harima:😂

15:34:16 Von Shintaro Ito:Node japan kannai an Alle: Fashionable!

15:34:31 Von saheen palayi an Alle: Replying to "Nice work Ashish": അത് ശെരി Midhun Joseph:☺️

15:34:47 Von Adrián - Fab Lab León an Alle: Awesome Ashish!!

15:35:11 Von Rico Kanthatham an Alle: you are muted Neil

15:35:34 Von Neil an Alle:

15:40:54 Von Milliam an Alle: Let’s go Dorji~! Dorji Gyeltshen, JNEC bhutan:❤️

15:40:57 Von Rico Kanthatham an Alle: woo hoo...go Dorji Gyeltshen! Tshering Dorji JNWSFL, Dorji Gyeltshen, JNEC bhutan:❤️ saheen palayi:🥳

15:41:48 Von Saverio Shanghai an Alle: go go go! Tshering Dorji JNWSFL, Dorji Gyeltshen, JNEC bhutan:❤️

15:47:44 Von Adrián - Fab Lab León an Alle: Doppler radar

15:47:51 Von Adrián - Fab Lab León an Alle: Time of flight

15:49:01 Von Adrián - Fab Lab León an Alle: Replying to "Time of flight": Time of flight with the RP2040.

Dopple Radar:

15:49:52 Von Anith Ghalley an Alle: 🙌 Rico Kanthatham:👋

15:50:01 Von Adrián - Fab Lab León an Alle: Camila Camila Luna - FabLab Cuenca ASQ:❤️

15:50:37 Von Ricardo Marques an Alle: Camila Luna - FabLab Cuenca ASQ:❤️ Nuria Robles | LEON:💟

15:50:53 Von Rico Kanthatham an Alle: Go go Camila!! Camila Luna - FabLab Cuenca ASQ:❤️

15:52:32 Von Matthias an Alle: Svavar Konradsson Fab Lab Isafjordur:❤️

15:53:13 Von Nuria Robles | LEON an Alle: ❤️ Doaa El-Bess, saheen palayi:❤️

15:55:41 Von Terence Fagan an Alle: 👍 Matthias:👍

15:56:34 Von Ricardo Marques an Alle: That's not a fab library footprint.

15:57:39 Von Pablo Fab Lab Leon an Alle: Super cheatsheet!

15:58:31 Von Rico Kanthatham an Alle: Fantastic documentation Camila!!! Doaa El-Bess, Camila Luna - FabLab Cuenca ASQ:👏

15:58:37 Von Adrián - Fab Lab León an Alle: Nice documentation Camila!! Ricardo Marques, Norella Coronell, Camila Luna - FabLab Cuenca ASQ:👏

15:59:17 Von Milliam an Alle: Way to go Camila Camila Luna - FabLab Cuenca ASQ:❤️

15:59:46 Von Aristarco an Alle: Love your Work Camila! Camila Luna - FabLab Cuenca ASQ:❤️ Frosti Gíslason - Iceland- Vestmannaeyjar - Fab Lab:👍

16:01:20 Von Norella Coronell an Alle: Great work Camila!!

16:02:59 Von henk an Alle: Camila look at contemporary craft book by astrid done in fabacademy 2012 Adrián - Fab Lab León, Milliam, Camila Luna - FabLab Cuenca ASQ:❤️

16:03:59 Von henk an Alle: i see the videos...

16:04:54 Von Matthias an Alle: i see the videos... Can you maybe upload the videos?

16:06:32 Von Rico Kanthatham an Alle: @Camila Luna - FabLab Cuenca ASQ

Have a look at this Fabricademy project too.
Adrián - Fab Lab León, Milliam, Matthias, Nuria Robles | LEON, Eman Elkfrawy| Egypt:❤️
Micka - FablabCuenca/ASQ:👍

16:08:11 Von Neil an Alle:

16:09:53 Von Pablo Fab Lab Leon an Alle: stop adding more inspiration! 🤣 Milliam, Claire Lake Mac Libraries Fab Lab, Patrick - waag, Camila Luna - FabLab Cuenca ASQ, Tshering Dorji JNWSFL:😂

16:10:11 Von Rico Kanthatham an Alle: go Kezang!!!!! Tshering Dorji JNWSFL:❤️ Tshering Dorji JNWSFL:😂

16:10:32 Von Tshering Wangzom an Alle: Bhutan is popular today. Milliam, Claire Lake Mac Libraries Fab Lab, Dorji Gyeltshen, JNEC bhutan:👍 Dorji Gyeltshen, JNEC bhutan, SAHEEN PALAYI:😂

16:11:12 Von Sophia (Node Ilmenau) an Alle: This project reminds me of this: its an advent calender. Every day you uncover a new electronic component to make a new game! The games are quite simple and reminiscent of the 80s.

16:11:51 Von Rico Kanthatham an Alle: Replying to "Bhutan is popular today.": Bhutan is popular everyday! Adrián - Fab Lab León:💕

16:12:22 Von Krisjanis Rijnieks an Alle: Replying to "This project reminds me of this: https://www.elekt...": This one is interesting

16:12:24 Von Camila Luna - FabLab Cuenca ASQ an Alle: Thanks to everyone! Rico Kanthatham, Matthias, Adrián - Fab Lab León, Shoko KUDOMI:❤️ Dorji Gyeltshen, JNEC bhutan, Yuichi TAMIYA:👍 SAHEEN PALAYI:🙌

16:12:27 Von Krisjanis Rijnieks an Alle: Replying to "This project reminds me of this: https://www.elekt...": Noted

16:13:58 Von Adrián - Fab Lab León an Alle: mods!!!

16:14:16 Von Adrián - Fab Lab León an Alle: Replying to "mods!!!": Great job Kezang!!

16:14:32 Von Rico Kanthatham an Alle: she means she is documenting her FP on the development page

16:14:58 Von Milliam an Alle: BayMAX?! Micka - FablabCuenca/ASQ, Gonzalo, Elen Grigoryan, Tshering Dorji JNWSFL:❤️

16:15:07 Von Rico Kanthatham an Alle: Replying to "BayMAX?!": BayMini Claire Lake Mac Libraries Fab Lab:❤️

16:15:14 Von henk an Alle: R2D2

16:15:24 Von Claire Lake Mac Libraries Fab Lab an Alle: Replying to "BayMAX?!": I want one!

16:15:26 Von Milliam an Alle: Eve~’

16:15:54 Von Adrián - Fab Lab León an Alle: Kokoro Claire Lake Mac Libraries Fab Lab:❤️

16:15:59 Von Jani Ylioja an Alle: super nice cardboard models for first spirals! Milliam:👆

16:16:06 Von Claire Lake Mac Libraries Fab Lab an Alle: Challenge -> make it a soft robot Adrián - Fab Lab León:💕

16:16:19 Von Adrián - Fab Lab León an Alle: Replying to "Kokoro": By Claire!

16:16:26 Von Milliam an Alle: 20250306001622.jpg Claire Lake Mac Libraries Fab Lab, Adrián - Fab Lab León, Kerstin, Camila Luna - FabLab Cuenca ASQ, Ricardo Marques, Shoko KUDOMI:❤️

16:17:03 Von Krisjanis Rijnieks an Alle: Btw. Forgot to mention. Maybe some of you noticed. The Latvian cat movie won an Oscar. Tshering Dorji JNWSFL, Silvia Lugo, Camila Luna - FabLab Cuenca ASQ:❤️ Forrest O.:🇱🇻 Ricardo Marques:🎥 Adrián - Fab Lab León, Claire Lake Mac Libraries Fab Lab, Svavar Konradsson Fab Lab Isafjordur, Tshering Dorji JNWSFL, Rico Kanthatham:💕

16:17:21 Von Adrián - Fab Lab León an Alle: Replying to "Btw. Forgot to mention. Maybe some of you noticed....": Yes with Blender!! Tshering Dorji JNWSFL, Claire Lake Mac Libraries Fab Lab:❤️

16:17:30 Von Krisjanis Rijnieks an Alle: Replying to "Btw. Forgot to mention. Maybe some of you noticed....": Yes. Cat movie made in Blender

16:17:48 Von Krisjanis Rijnieks an Alle: Replying to "Btw. Forgot to mention. Maybe some of you noticed....": No human language. Cat language only Adrián - Fab Lab León:❤️ Claire Lake Mac Libraries Fab Lab:😂 Ricardo Marques:😻

16:18:36 Von Svavar Konradsson Fab Lab Isafjordur an Alle: There's a Raspberry Pi Pico symbol and footprint in the fab KiCad library SAHEEN PALAYI:❤️

16:18:44 Von Claire Lake Mac Libraries Fab Lab an Alle: Raspberry Pi Pico is your friend 😁

16:18:50 Von Ricardo Marques an Alle: some of the castelated pins on the Pico W are shared with the wifi chip. In case someone really needs all those pins

16:19:12 Von Camila Luna - FabLab Cuenca ASQ an Alle: Replying to "Btw. Forgot to mention. Maybe some of you noticed....": So cool!!!

16:19:15 Von Rico Kanthatham an Alle: goooooooo Blender!!! Ricardo Marques, Tshering Dorji JNWSFL:💪

16:19:21 Von Camila Luna - FabLab Cuenca ASQ an Alle: Replying to "goooooooo Blender!!!": !!!!!!!!!

16:19:28 Von Silvia Lugo an Alle: Replying to "goooooooo Blender!!!": gooooo

16:19:39 Von Claire Lake Mac Libraries Fab Lab an Alle: Replying to "goooooooo Blender!!!": woot woot

16:19:43 Von Rico Kanthatham an Alle: Replying to "goooooooo Blender!!!": rendered in the simpler EEVEE renderer...amazing Adrián - Fab Lab León:❤️

16:19:46 Von Camila Simsiroglu an Alle: Replying to "goooooooo Blender!!!": Long live blender Rico Kanthatham:❤️

16:19:52 Von Pablo Fab Lab Leon an Alle: Replying to "goooooooo Blender!!!": but they need to go to geometry nodes right? 😁 Claire Lake Mac Libraries Fab Lab:😂

16:19:59 Von Rico Kanthatham an Alle: Replying to "Btw. Forgot to mention. Maybe some of you noticed....": Go Latvia!

16:20:18 Von Dylan an Alle: luke.jpeg Camila Luna - FabLab Cuenca ASQ:😂 Patrick - waag, Silvia Lugo, Jhonatan Cortes, Adrián - Fab Lab León:😆

16:20:22 Von Rico Kanthatham an Alle: Is Natima on?

16:20:24 Von Ricardo Marques an Alle: global silence strikes again Camila Luna - FabLab Cuenca ASQ, Tshering Dorji JNWSFL, Patrick - waag, Jhonatan Cortes, Hiroe_West-harima, Pablo Fab Lab Leon, Dylan, Adrián - Fab Lab León:😂

16:20:28 Von Adrián - Fab Lab León an Alle: C´mon!!! Tshering Dorji JNWSFL:😂

16:20:34 Von Fab Lab Akureyri an Alle: I know somebody did!

16:20:41 Von Milliam an Alle: 🦗

16:20:46 Von Jani Ylioja an Alle: no tangible results --> silence

16:20:58 Von Rico Kanthatham an Alle: Natima in Kerela made a cool board...her 1st week in Fabacademy! Milliam:👆

16:20:59 Von Þórarinn Bjartur Breiðfjörð Gunnarsson an Alle: everyone made a square circuit? Dylan, Adrián - Fab Lab León, Shoko KUDOMI:😂

16:21:03 Von Superfablab Kochi an Alle: andri-fab lab reykjavik, Tshering Dorji JNWSFL:❤️

16:21:10 Von Camila Luna - FabLab Cuenca ASQ an Alle: Replying to "everyone made a square circuit?": Guilty Dylan:🎉 Adrián - Fab Lab León, Þórarinn Bjartur Breiðfjörð Gunnarsson, Milliam:😅

16:21:24 Von Rico Kanthatham an Alle: Replying to "goooooooo Blender!!!": GN is for ultra nerds only Tshering Dorji JNWSFL:😂 Jesal | RIIDL:🚀 Ricardo Marques:🤓 Claire Lake Mac Libraries Fab Lab:🤔

16:21:25 Von Þórarinn Bjartur Breiðfjörð Gunnarsson an Alle: Replying to "": Nice that's cool!

16:22:13 Von Þórarinn Bjartur Breiðfjörð Gunnarsson an Alle: Replying to "everyone made a square circuit?": We have all been there :D

16:22:13 Von Adrián - Fab Lab León an Alle: Replying to "everyone made a square circuit?": I told this in the Global Open Time

16:23:04 Von Rico Kanthatham an Alle: Replying to "": oops!!! Sorry for destroying your name Namita!

16:23:15 Von Superfablab Kochi an Alle:

16:24:03 Von Ricardo Marques an Alle: 1st week straight to electronics design. talk about hitting the ground running

16:24:28 Von Pablo Fab Lab Leon an Alle: Arcade!

16:24:29 Von Jesal | RIIDL an Alle: galaxian !

16:24:31 Von Ricardo Marques an Alle: 👾 Forrest O., Mkhitar Evoyan:💪

16:24:33 Von Silvia Lugo an Alle: oohh so cool👾

16:24:34 Von Adrián - Fab Lab León an Alle: Nice job Namita!!

16:24:35 Von Lars Mattern - HRW Fablab an Alle: A Space Invader PCB 😍 Camila Luna - FabLab Cuenca ASQ, Jesal | RIIDL:❤️

16:24:46 Von Þórarinn Bjartur Breiðfjörð Gunnarsson an Alle: Go Space invaders! Tshering Dorji JNWSFL:❤️ Jeremy Losaw:👍

16:24:57 Von Camila Luna - FabLab Cuenca ASQ an Alle: I love it!!!

16:25:04 Von Rico Kanthatham an Alle: What an awesome debut Namita!

16:25:16 Von Claire Lake Mac Libraries Fab Lab an Alle: Reminds me of a replicator...or maybe I'm watching too much Stargate lately Ricardo Marques, Jesal | RIIDL:❤️

16:25:39 Von Ricardo Marques an Alle: Replying to "Reminds me of a replicator...or maybe I'm watching...": very niche reference there xD Claire Lake Mac Libraries Fab Lab:😁 Jesal | RIIDL:🚀

16:27:24 Von Jesal | RIIDL an Alle: Replying to "Reminds me of a replicator...or maybe I'm watching...": Indeed. Claire Lake Mac Libraries Fab Lab:😂

16:28:32 Von Milliam an Alle: 202503060028300000.jpg Claire Lake Mac Libraries Fab Lab, andri-fab lab reykjavik, Tshering Dorji JNWSFL, Ricardo Marques, Ted, saheen palayi:❤️ Nuria Robles | LEON:💟 Pablo Fab Lab Leon, Adrián - Fab Lab León, SAHEEN PALAYI, Patrick - waag, Svavar Konradsson Fab Lab Isafjordur, Hiroe_West-harima, Jesal | RIIDL:😍 olof:🤩

16:28:44 Von Þórarinn Bjartur Breiðfjörð Gunnarsson an Alle: Image 2025-03-05 at 152838.png Fab Lab Barcelona:❤️ Ricardo Marques:👾 Milliam, Patrick - waag, SAHEEN PALAYI, Camila Luna - FabLab Cuenca ASQ, Claire Lake Mac Libraries Fab Lab, olof:😂

16:29:04 Von Pablo Fab Lab Leon an Alle: HenkChip olof:😂 Adrián - Fab Lab León:😅

16:29:13 Von Krisjanis Rijnieks an Alle: Henkudino Tshering Wangzom, Jani Ylioja, Adrián - Fab Lab León:😂 Pablo Fab Lab Leon, Eman Elkfrawy| Egypt, Adrián - Fab Lab León:🤣

16:29:18 Von Adrián - Fab Lab León an Alle: Replying to "202503060028300000.jpg": Non square boards hehehe:

16:29:22 Von Adrián - Fab Lab León an Alle: Replying to "202503060028300000.jpg": {05FE6372-A7F2-474C-80CA-D6E5EB7A0E16}.png andri-fab lab reykjavik, Hiroe_West-harima, Nuria Robles | LEON, Jesal | RIIDL:❤️

16:29:32 Von Milliam an Alle: Xiao-henk

16:29:34 Von Þórarinn Bjartur Breiðfjörð Gunnarsson an Alle: I will buy it!

16:29:39 Von Rico Kanthatham an Alle: Henk-CU Aalto Fablab:🤣

16:29:50 Von henk an Alle: hello henk board Luciana Asinari, Adrián - Fab Lab León:🏆 Dylan, Aalto Fablab:👍 Camila Luna - FabLab Cuenca ASQ, Patrick - waag:😂 Milliam:😮

16:30:41 Von Krisjanis Rijnieks an Alle: Replying to "Henk-CU": IC-Henk

16:31:06 Von DGI an Alle: Replying to "Henk-CU": yes sir

16:31:22 Von Þórarinn Bjartur Breiðfjörð Gunnarsson an Alle: Replying to "": How many Henk board are there this is becoming a collection! Patrick - waag:🤣

16:31:30 Von DGI an Alle: Replying to "Henk-CU": its only if you are avaible

16:31:49 Von Jesal | RIIDL an Alle: Replying to "": @Þórarinn Bjartur Breiðfjörð Gunnarsson Gotta catch em all ? Þórarinn Bjartur Breiðfjörð Gunnarsson:💯

16:41:05 Von Adrián - Fab Lab León an Alle: 🚀 FAB Month 2025: Be Part of the Global Stage! 🌍💡

Have a great project, insight, or innovation to share? FAB Month is your opportunity to showcase your work, connect with a global audience, and inspire the future of digital fabrication & emerging technologies!

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Let’s build, innovate, and make an impact together! 🚀💡
andri-fab lab reykjavik:❤️
Rico Kanthatham:👏

16:44:29 Von Rico Kanthatham an Alle: Ferdi's camera looks like a documentary movie on a fablab. Adrián - Fab Lab León:❤️ Enterprise fablab, Camila Luna - FabLab Cuenca ASQ, Milliam, Patrick - waag:😂

16:44:44 Von Rico Kanthatham an Alle: Replying to "Ferdi's camera looks like a documentary movie on a...": insert dialogue as you wish!

16:44:51 Von Adrián - Fab Lab León an Alle: Replying to "Ferdi's camera looks like a documentary movie on a...": F-A-B F-A-B

16:45:02 Von Adrián - Fab Lab León an Alle: Replying to "Ferdi's camera looks like a documentary movie on a...": Document as you go!! Claire Lake Mac Libraries Fab Lab, Rico Kanthatham:😂

16:45:17 Von Rico Kanthatham an Alle: Replying to "Ferdi's camera looks like a documentary movie on a...": man in read shirt "should we use the Xiao...or go old school" Camila Luna - FabLab Cuenca ASQ:😂 Adrián - Fab Lab León:😅

16:45:25 Von Pablo Fab Lab Leon an Alle: Replying to "Ferdi's camera looks like a documentary movie on a...": It slike the 24 Serie.

16:45:30 Von Rico Kanthatham an Alle: Replying to "Ferdi's camera looks like a documentary movie on a...": man in blue shirt "what are you guys talking about?"

16:45:41 Von Rico Kanthatham an Alle: Replying to "Ferdi's camera looks like a documentary movie on a...": man in black shirt "..."

16:45:45 Von Pablo Fab Lab Leon an Alle: Replying to "Ferdi's camera looks like a documentary movie on a...": Leaves the room... Rico Kanthatham, Adrián - Fab Lab León, Kerstin:😂

16:46:07 Von Pablo Fab Lab Leon an Alle: Replying to "Ferdi's camera looks like a documentary movie on a...": Smart conversation between two...

16:46:08 Von Claire Lake Mac Libraries Fab Lab an Alle: Replying to "Ferdi's camera looks like a documentary movie on a...": Wonder if they'll notice this chat 🤔

16:46:23 Von Pablo Fab Lab Leon an Alle: Replying to "Ferdi's camera looks like a documentary movie on a...": hope no XD Camila Luna - FabLab Cuenca ASQ, Claire Lake Mac Libraries Fab Lab:😂

16:46:56 Von Pablo Fab Lab Leon an Alle: Frosti try to present something...

16:47:30 Von Nuria Robles | LEON an Alle: 💟👏

16:47:33 Von Jhonatan Cortes an Alle: ❤️

16:47:37 Von Aristarco an Alle: 😍

16:47:43 Von Rico Kanthatham an Alle: ❤️

16:47:48 Von Adrián - Fab Lab León an Alle: 💕

16:47:49 Von Claire Lake Mac Libraries Fab Lab an Alle: ❤️

16:48:08 Von yaorun an Alle: 👏

16:48:10 Von Fab Lab Akureyri an Alle:

16:48:29 Von Shintaro Ito:Node japan kannai an Alle: I don't understand the language, but I just know it's cute. Florimond Chu (FabLab SP), Ricardo Marques, Jhonatan Cortes:👍

16:48:51 Von Jani Ylioja an Alle: nils holgersson?

16:49:20 Von Rico Kanthatham an Alle: we need those singers at Saturday GOT! Adrián - Fab Lab León, Milliam, Ricardo Marques:💕

16:49:28 Von Pablo Fab Lab Leon an Alle: Class wont start until 90% camera is on XD

16:49:47 Von Ricardo Marques an Alle: Replying to "Class wont start until 90% camera is on XD": see everyone next week! 😆

16:49:56 Von Fab Lab Akureyri an Alle: The piglet is happily croaking high in the fir tree. A mouse is sneaking into the house, she wants to get a sniff. A lamb is quickly croaking chocolate, A little pig is croaking. The piglet is happily croaking high in the fir tree. The cow is horned, A little sheep is croaking. The goat is dancing happily with the heifer. The ox is neighing, The piglet is happily croaking high in the fir tree. The cat is laughing, sharpening its claws, He is barking loudly. The hen is crowing, Jumping around and humming. The cat is barking, The piglet is crowing. The piglet is happily croaking in the spruce tree high up. The malt is broken, the salt is bent, Soon the poem is all over. Adrián - Fab Lab León, Rico Kanthatham, jakob, Shintaro Ito:Node japan kannai:💕 Frosti Gíslason - Iceland- Vestmannaeyjar - Fab Lab, olof:😂

16:50:02 Von Fab Lab Akureyri an Alle: Google translate Claire Lake Mac Libraries Fab Lab:🤔

16:53:27 Von Shintaro Ito:Node japan kannai an Alle: So big

16:54:56 Von Ricardo Marques an Alle: oh, new maslow, that's cool. earlier versions were vertical. new one's horizontal ❤️

16:56:10 Von saheen palayi an Alle: A Similar to shaper 3D ( but no need to do hand assist)

16:58:12 Von jakob an Alle: tools for designing 3d things from 2d: - -

16:58:43 Von Ricardo Marques an Alle: cnc from the 60s

17:03:55 Von Ricardo Marques an Alle: osb doesn't have predictable thickness so be aware that it's hard to do press-fits with it Patrick - waag, Micka - FablabCuenca/ASQ:👍

17:04:20 Von saheen palayi an Alle: we received all the machines in fablab with the packaging of OSB sheets : )

17:08:50 Von Ricardo Marques an Alle: mcmaster-carr is known as one of the fastest websites on the web

17:08:54 Von jakob an Alle: can you somehow fold plywood if one cuts it in a specific way?

17:09:09 Von jakob an Alle: Replying to "can you somehow fold plywood if one cuts it in a s...": allright

17:10:16 Von Patrick - waag an Alle: Replying to "can you somehow fold plywood if one cuts it in a s...": technically we did it with the laser week with the flexible design parts

17:10:38 Von Adrián - Fab Lab León an Alle: Replying to "can you somehow fold plywood if one cuts it in a s...": Yes here you can find it

17:11:01 Von Adrián - Fab Lab León an Alle: Replying to "can you somehow fold plywood if one cuts it in a s...":

17:11:28 Von jakob an Alle: Replying to "can you somehow fold plywood if one cuts it in a s...": thanks!

17:12:01 Von Adrián - Fab Lab León an Alle: Replying to "can you somehow fold plywood if one cuts it in a s...": But at the end it broke 😥

17:12:07 Von Adrián - Fab Lab León an Alle: Replying to "can you somehow fold plywood if one cuts it in a s...": {16C58EA4-3350-4036-AE63-5F97D853438F}.png

17:12:15 Von jakob an Alle: Replying to "can you somehow fold plywood if one cuts it in a s...": ah unfortunate.

17:13:09 Von Adrián - Fab Lab León an Alle: Replying to "can you somehow fold plywood if one cuts it in a s...": During the COVID time 😭

17:13:13 Von jakob an Alle: Replying to "can you somehow fold plywood if one cuts it in a s...": this seems a bit risky. we do not have much time this week for working with the cnc milling machine. so i would rather go without these edges. no time to experiment :/

17:13:27 Von jakob an Alle: Replying to "can you somehow fold plywood if one cuts it in a s...": so i would rather go with the standard joints and see what i can do with that.

17:14:16 Von Adrián - Fab Lab León an Alle: Replying to "can you somehow fold plywood if one cuts it in a s...": You can do a little test like the one in the video.

17:15:35 Von Milliam an Alle: Replying to "can you somehow fold plywood if one cuts it in a s...": 20250306011524.png Adrián - Fab Lab León, Svavar Konradsson - Fab Lab Isafjordur, Tshering Dorji JNWSFL, Ricardo Marques, Nuria Robles | LEON:❤️ Pablo Fab Lab Leon:😍

17:16:01 Von Ricardo Marques an Alle: coatings will depend on the material you're working with. Coatings containing aluminium can cause problems when cutting aluminium for exemple.

17:17:00 Von Milliam an Alle: Replying to "can you somehow fold plywood if one cuts it in a s...": 20250306011652.png Adrián - Fab Lab León, Tshering Dorji JNWSFL:❤️ Ricardo Marques:💪 Pablo Fab Lab Leon:😮

17:17:10 Von Pablo Fab Lab Leon an Alle: Replying to "can you somehow fold plywood if one cuts it in a s...": which wood is this?

17:17:24 Von Milliam an Alle: Replying to "can you somehow fold plywood if one cuts it in a s...": Plywood

17:18:06 Von Pablo Fab Lab Leon an Alle: Replying to "can you somehow fold plywood if one cuts it in a s...": the quality is the key Milliam:👆

17:18:18 Von Adrián - Fab Lab León an Alle: Replying to "can you somehow fold plywood if one cuts it in a s...": In my case, it broke along the grain of the wood. Milliam:👆

17:20:34 Von Ricardo Marques an Alle: note about ball end-mills, a very good portion of cheaper ball end-mills don't really have a predictable radius at the tip so dimentional accuracy isn't guaranteed. for mold making if the ball tip is very small it doesn't matter as much.

17:20:42 Von Steven an Alle: Wouldn't a straight flute endmill also produce good top & bottom surface finishes, though not as good in removing chips.

17:21:35 Von Steven an Alle: I've seen some cnc sites recommend these for wood machining.

17:22:32 Von andri-fab lab reykjavik an Alle: Fab Lab Feeds and Speeds Calculator Frosti Gíslason - Iceland- Vestmannaeyjar - Fab Lab:😎

17:22:37 Von Pablo Fab Lab Leon an Alle: its great to use it, just check speed to have not much heat on the material

17:22:38 Von Ricardo Marques an Alle: there are some flat end mills with chip breakers that help with some materials too

17:22:53 Von Ricardo Marques an Alle: Replying to "there are some flat end mills with chip breakers t...": like cork

17:25:06 Von Aristarco an Alle: Many vendors already gives the chipload, cut Depth and feed rate for their bits. Amana site is great. Adrián - Fab Lab León:❤️

17:25:07 Von Aristarco an Alle: Ricardo Marques:❤️

17:26:10 Von jakob an Alle: what do you mean by "light" and "heavy metal machining"?

17:26:21 Von Ricardo Marques an Alle: Replying to "what do you mean by "light" and "heavy metal machi...": aluminium vs ferrous, for example

17:26:30 Von jakob an Alle: Replying to "what do you mean by "light" and "heavy metal machi...": allright

17:26:35 Von jakob an Alle: Replying to "what do you mean by "light" and "heavy metal machi...": thanks :) Ricardo Marques:👍

17:27:28 Von Ricardo Marques an Alle: Replying to "what do you mean by "light" and "heavy metal machi...": even a 3018 can machine aluminium, even it if doesn't like it. For iron you need a lot of regidity and power.

17:28:18 Von Garrett Nelson an Alle: toolmaker vise

17:28:35 Von Adrián - Fab Lab León an Alle: Replying to "what do you mean by "light" and "heavy metal machi...": This week it's more about wood... not aluminum.

17:28:39 Von Haw Ren - SG FabLab an Alle: V-cutter should be used when cutting organic surface... but the cons will be taking too much time to mill... as the total of layers required will be doubled or tripled...

17:31:36 Von Ricardo Marques an Alle: mistakes were made during last year's challenge in mexico 🤕

17:31:42 Von Ricardo Marques an Alle: 20240801_151200.jpg Daniel Perez, Tshering Dorji JNWSFL:😂 Aristarco, Claire Lake Mac Libraries Fab Lab, Milliam:😢 Camila Luna - FabLab Cuenca ASQ, Doaa El-Bess:😮

17:32:01 Von Patrick - waag an Alle: Replying to "20240801_151200.jpg": rip Ricardo Marques:🪦

17:33:00 Von Patrick - waag an Alle: fun fact in French we call it martyr Fab Lab Akureyri, Aristarco:❤️

17:33:40 Von Pablo Fab Lab Leon an Alle: Replying to "fun fact in French we call it martyr": Spanish: Martir. Patrick - waag:👍

17:33:42 Von Adrián - Fab Lab León an Alle: If the laser is dangerous, CNC machine is much more so. Any noise or something strange stops. If the end-mill is loose, this can happen:

17:34:49 Von Ricardo Marques an Alle: Replying to "fun fact in French we call it martyr": Portuguese: Mártir. 🤝

17:35:12 Von Patrick - waag an Alle: Replying to "If the laser is dangerous, CNC machine is much mor...": I do not get it

the mill dropped down ?

17:35:29 Von Ricardo Marques an Alle: Replying to "If the laser is dangerous, CNC machine is much mor...": yeah, if you don't tight it enough Patrick - waag:👍

17:35:38 Von Adrián - Fab Lab León an Alle: Replying to "If the laser is dangerous, CNC machine is much mor...": @Patrick - waag YES Patrick - waag:👍

17:35:45 Von jakob an Alle: Replying to "fun fact in French we call it martyr": totally unrelated, but this reminds me on a tremendous musician: amor satyr i always recommend him to everybody who did not manage to end a conversation with me early enough. 

17:36:16 Von Ricardo Marques an Alle: Replying to "If the laser is dangerous, CNC machine is much mor...": for serious metal cutting the end mills even have a notch so they are locked and can't be pulled from the collet Patrick - waag:😯

17:36:43 Von jakob an Alle: Replying to "fun fact in French we call it martyr": the above is partly a joke. difficult to convey in text, sorry ^^' Patrick - waag:👍

17:38:18 Von Patrick - waag an Alle: and to think they did that before CAD...

17:38:22 Von Patrick - waag an Alle: Replying to "and to think they did that before CAD...": respect

17:46:12 Von Ricardo Marques an Alle: Patrick - waag, Matthias:💚 Frosti Gíslason - Iceland- Vestmannaeyjar - Fab Lab:😎

17:47:11 Von Jóhannes an Alle: dogbone addin for Fusion Pablo Fab Lab Leon:👏 Patrick - waag, Svavar Konradsson - Fab Lab Isafjordur:💚

17:47:49 Von Ricardo Marques an Alle: You'll have a lot of those when machining OSB

17:48:10 Von Adrián - Fab Lab León an Alle: DDFFA8B2-8D41-400E-B64C-549E4FE291B3.png Camila Luna - FabLab Cuenca ASQ, Matthias, Jesal | RIIDL, Svavar Konradsson - Fab Lab Isafjordur, Tshering Dorji JNWSFL:😂 Patrick - waag, Frosti Gíslason - Iceland- Vestmannaeyjar - Fab Lab, Matthias, Artturi Vuorinen:😆

17:48:24 Von Ricardo Marques an Alle: Replying to "You'll have a lot of those when machining OSB":

17:50:16 Von Patrick - waag an Alle: lets add CAM to our TLA list Marius Araújo:👆🏻 Pablo Fab Lab Leon:🤣

17:50:33 Von Ricardo Marques an Alle: PSA on FreeCAD CAM, by default it has canned drill cycles turned on with the Grbl post-processor. It's not supported by a lot of cheaper controllers. You need to add the "--translate_drill" parameter or edit the post-processor file.

17:51:20 Von Ricardo Marques an Alle: Replying to "PSA on FreeCAD CAM, by default it has canned drill...": I would recommend editing the file because you can also edit the pre and postamble. this is the location of the post processors

17:52:02 Von Svavar Konradsson - Fab Lab Isafjordur an Alle: Replying to "dogbone addin for Fusion": Another one, from the Fab Lab network: Adrián - Fab Lab León:❤️

17:57:12 Von Adrián - Fab Lab León an Alle: Search your emergency buttons: Frosti Gíslason - Iceland- Vestmannaeyjar - Fab Lab:❤️

17:57:18 Von Adrián - Fab Lab León an Alle: {E0C3AF23-038B-4BC7-B523-64FD7EECD49F}.png Frosti Gíslason - Iceland- Vestmannaeyjar - Fab Lab:❤️ Patrick - waag:👆

17:59:08 Von Adrián - Fab Lab León an Alle: Remember, this Saturday Global Open Time is back. At 10:00 AM Boston Time. More info: Frosti Gíslason - Iceland- Vestmannaeyjar - Fab Lab:❤️ Ricardo Marques, Marius Araújo:🌐 Camila Luna - FabLab Cuenca ASQ:👍