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the key word is "browse" the datasheet

multiple projects failed last year due to unknown reasons
blacklisted in our lab
try ESP32 C6
Ricardo Marques

I've only used the esp32's for test but I had a lot of problems with a couple SAMD21 xiaos a while back.

I only use xiaos for testing these days.

For Datasheet and find the following...

  • What chip?
  • What speed (indicated in MHz)?
  • What flash/SRAM memory (for storing programs)?
  • How many GPIO pins?
  • How many Analog pins?
  • What communication protocols does the board "speak" (UART, ISP, SPI, I2C, I2S, etc.)?
  • Does it have an ADC?
  • What voltage requirement for the microcontroller?
  • What is the microcontroller's Logic Voltage?
  • What Voltage and Current can the GPIO pins OUTPUT...and tolerate? ...for starters

if you haven't started one...start your personal FabAcademy Jargon Dictionary.

micro-controllers datasheets are super overwhelming, but once you go into inputs and outputs you won't have a choice but really get into them. thankfully they're shorter.

How I plan to do it: I would go through the data sheet and note down what I found interesting, just like "oh see, the esp32 c3 has this little feature". I would consider the data sheet reading documentation "playing around with the data sheet" so to say. less as an exhaustive summary of the data sheet.

Adrian - Fab Lab Leon Bis Hallo allerseits! 17:00 Rico Kanthatham Bis Hallo allerseits! 17:01

By the way...I am thinking to make a "Document as you go" music video. If we have any singers or dancers who want to participate...let me know!!

I have the song picked and the lyrics 60% written! Camila Luna 17:01

I could love to animate something for that, but I don’t sing jajajaj Rico Kanthatham 17:02

apateu, apateu >>> document as you go, document as you go

(sorry Rose) Sie Bis Hallo allerseits! 17:02

@Rico Kanthatham

Of course I'm in! Bis: Hallo allerseits!

Additional Tips

Teaching from leo-kuipers
Notes from Nicolas Decoster