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Microprocessors and -controllers
audiobook of data sheet ATtiny212_412 recitation presentation literature explaining working w...
regional review
Sam Irja Dylan Heneck Patrick Dezséri Jakob Bene Mkhitar Evoyan Forrest Olip...
PCB Basics / Design Rules
Following you find a small presentation to get a general idea on how to design circuits and a che...
global class chat
14:34:03 Von Krisjanis Rijnieks an Alle: I noticed the 0603 resistors and capacitors that were ad...
local class
Building circuits the hard way. An introduction to freeform electronics Introduction and KiCad P...
global class
package 1206 --> 0.12x0.06 inch = 3.048x1.524mm FabXIAO TLA = Three Letter Acronym 5 mil/thou = 0...
global class homework
Sierra Nieves Final Project: Functional Fashion (Heart Rate Monitor)
prep meeting
I noticed the 0603 resistors and capacitors that were added to fab inventory. Are we moving towar...
Class Times & Data
Global Class Wednesdays at 15:00 - 18:00 CET This is the link to the class videoconference and to...
Week01: principles and practices, presentations, introductions, project management
regional review Fablab TU Ilmenau (Ilmenau, Germany): Ferdi, Benedikt Feit, Matthias Ernesto Tes...
recitation chat
15:02:33 Von Crail Lyu an Alle: 15:09:00...
recitation AI Crail Lyu slides Embedded AI/ML Crail Lyu cu...
local lecture
examples for printing processes https://duckduckg...
global open time
16:31:22 Von Angel Fang an Alle: Qlone works as well Rico Kanthatham:👍 16:31:29 Von Adrian - Fab ...
3D Printing Design Rules
Lecture Chat
15:05:04 From Patrick - waag To Everyone: Replying to "Message sent before you joined the meeting...
prep meeting
Computer controlled machining has to be on a machine where the sorter side is at least 1m! This m...
These are the icons we want to set as cover images for each week. they still need to be downloade...
Download packages from marketplace
Benedikt Jakob Jarni Matthias Niclas Richard Sophia Joshua